Vertaling: Die Beginner kitaarspeler - Boek 2.
Vertaling: Drum Beginsels. They are to us what scales and chords are to the other instruments.
Vertaling: Moenie Druk Te Hard. - Boek 1. Sheet Music. Klassieke kitaar. CGTR. Moenie Druk Te Hard. Dit word bereik deur.
Vertaling: Wie is nou lag,. - Die Storie.
Vertaling: Realistic Drum Fills - Replacements. Bladmusiek, CD. Dromme. DRUMS.
Vertaling: Morris se Arnie 'Lang. Die Gladstone Tegniek - Drums. Streek 0.
Vertaling: takes you through the basics of four- and five-piece drum set-ups. illustrates the grips and how to use the sticks.
Vertaling: DARBUKA Metode. Bladmusiek, CD.
Vertaling: GTR. Hierdie boek is 'n versameling van studies en oefeninge wat ontwerp is om te help om die student te ontwikkel regterhand tegniek.
Vertaling: So leave center stage to the other musicians - you have more important work to do. Bladmusiek, CD. Baskitaar. BGTR.
Vertaling: Creative koördinasie en Gevorderde Foot Tegniek. Streek 0.
Vertaling: Also includes materials for accented single strokes, as well as exercises dealing with the use of doubles on the set.
Vertaling: Leer om te speel Blues Mandolin. Streek 0.
Vertaling: Tradisionele Caribbean Guitar. Streek 0.
Vertaling: St Louis Blues Guitar. DVD.
Vertaling: Celtic Instrumentals Vir Finger Guitar. DVD. Streek 0. Guitar. GTR.
Vertaling: Streek 0. --.
Vertaling: Streek 0. This DVD will provide months of study, invaluable practice techniques and powerful concepts that every guitarist should know.