Vertaling: Liefde het my saggies deur die hand. Tellings.
Vertaling: Die Hele Booke van Psalms. The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft - The Whole Booke of Psalmes. The only Lord of Israel.
Vertaling: " It is unified by an undulating parallel-fifth motif in the piano's left hand. Plan. Sekulêre, kunslied. Taal. Geen.
Vertaling: Wheel van die Jaar. Written in 2004, "The Wheel Of The Year. A Pagan Song Cycle", was Leanne's first composition.
Vertaling: to the ROCS. Further performances are scheduled for Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA in 2011.
Vertaling: the Hoi Ping Road mentioned in the song. , and talking to one of the stallholders there. " at the end.
Vertaling: Magnificat en Nunc dimittis in G mineur. Heilige, aand Hooglied. Taal. Engels.
Vertaling: Ek besweer julle. Dialogus. Heinrich Schütz. Basso continuo. Heilige, Koraalmotet. Taal. Duitse. SSAATTB.
Vertaling: Die parallelle met die lot van St Thomas Beckett is voor die hand liggend. Teofil Klonowski, gebaseer op 'n anonieme volkslied. Taal.
Vertaling: Die Simpsons. Dans Workers 'Song. Digitale Sheet Music.
Vertaling: Die Lemon Song. Digitale Sheet Music.
Vertaling: Die Simpsons. Lied van die wilde diere. Digitale Sheet Music. Klavier, Vocal. Regterkantste Melody. Die Simpsons. --.
Vertaling: Die Werk Song. Digitale Sheet Music. Klavier, Vocal. Regterkantste Melody.
Vertaling: van The Hobbit. Lied van die Lonely Mountain. Digitale Sheet Music.