Vertaling: Jouself 'n Geseënde Kersfees Little deur Alvin en die Chipmunks. Jouself 'n Geseënde Kersfees Little. Plan. Vocal.
Vertaling: Maklik Christmas Pops, Deel 1. Maklik Christmas Pops, Deel 1. Die Chipmunk Song. The Little Drummer Boy.
Vertaling: This volume includes 15 favorite Christmas songs, including. Die Chipmunk Song. Frosty the Snow Man.
Vertaling: Die beste Kersfees liedjies ooit. Blue Christmas. Frosty the Snow Man. A Holly Jolly Christmas.
Vertaling: Jumpin 'Jim se Happy Holidays. Blue Christmas. Christmas Island. Frosty the Snow Man. Little Saint Nick.
Vertaling: Kersfees Guitar. Christmas Time Is Hier. Little Saint Nick. White Christmas. Little Saint Nick.
Vertaling: Frosty the Snow Man. Little Saint Nick. White Christmas. Little Saint Nick. Blue Christmas.
Vertaling: Top Christmas Downloads deur Verskeie. Die Chipmunk Song. Christmas Time Is Hier. Blue Christmas.
Vertaling: Die beste Kersfees Guitar Fake boek wat nog ooit. C-H-R-ek-S-T-M-A-S. Die Chipmunk Song. Christmas Time Is Hier.
Vertaling: Dan Coates Complete Christmas Music Versameling - Easy Piano. Die Chipmunk Song. Jouself 'n Geseënde Kersfees Little.
Vertaling: Gevorderde Piano Solo - Kersfees Encyclopedia. insluitend duet weergawes van sommige Christmas gunstelinge. Joy To The World.