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Dan Coates Complete Christmas Music Collection - Easy Piano. Dan Coates. Voice sheet music. Easy Piano sheet music. Intermediate.Vertaling
Dan Coates Complete Christmas Music Versameling - Easy Piano. Dan Coates. Voice bladmusiek. Maklik Piano bladmusiek. Intermediêre.Oorspronklik
Dan Coates Complete Christmas Music Collection - Easy Piano arranged by Dan Coates. For voice and easy piano. Piano - Easy Piano Collection. Piano Supplemental. Sacred. SMP Level 4. Intermediate. Songbook. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics and chord names. 187 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.AF9939A. ISBN 0757941443. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics and chord names. Sacred. 9x12 inches. A collection of 76 secular and sacred songs, compiled into one great easy songbook. A wonderful collection for the whole family to enjoy through the holidays. titles include. These Are the Special Times. The Birthday of a King. A Child This Day Is Born. The Chipmunk SOng. The Coventry Carol. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I'll Be Home for Christmas. The Little Drummer Boy. O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Up on a Housetop and many more. Introduction of 4-note chords and sixteenth notes. Hand movement covering 2 to 3 octaves. Angels from the Realms of Glory. Away In A Manger. Birthday Of A King. Boar's Head Carol. Child This Day Is Born. Coventry Carol. First Noel. Gather Around the Christmas Tree. Glad Christmas Bells. God Rest You Merry Gentlemen. Good King Wenceslas. I Saw Three Ships. I'll Be Home for Christmas. In the Garden. Infant So Gentle. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. O Christmas Tree. O Come All Ye Faithful. O Come O Come Emmanuel. O Holy Night. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Twelve Days Of Christmas. Up On The House Top. We Three Kings Of Orient Are. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. What Child Is This. While Shepherds Watched Their Flock. Winter Wonderland. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. Deck the Hall. There is No Christmas Like a Home Christmas. Sing We Noel. When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter. Here Comes Santa Claus. Thirty-two Feet and Eight Little Tails. Angels We Have Heard On High. The Most Wonderful Day Of The Year. A Holly Jolly Christmas. Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer. A-Caroling We Go. A Merry Merry Christmas To You. Merry Christmas, Darling. Gesu Bambino The Infant Jesus. The Chipmunk Song. Jingle, Jingle, Jingle. The Night Before Christmas Song. Silver And Gold. Little Saint Nick. Little Drummer Boy. An Old Fashioned Christmas. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. Joyous Christmas. Great And Mighty Wonder. It Must Have Been the Mistletoe. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Don't Save It All For Christmas Day. Magic Of Christmas Day. God Bless Us Everyone. These Are the Special Times. Christmas in Killarney. Toyland. All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth. Christmas Mem'ries. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow. Christmas Waltz. Christmas Auld Lang Syne. Sleigh Ride. Mistletoe and Holly. There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays. Christmas Time Of Year. A Big Red Christmas Bow. Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Christmas in the City. Jingle Bells. Silent Night. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. I Heard The Bells On Christmas.Vertaling
Dan Coates Complete Christmas Music Versameling - Easy Piano gereël deur Dan Coates. Vir stem en maklik klavier. Piano - Easy Piano Collection. Laerskool Plan. Heilige. SMP Vlak 4. Intermediêre. Liedboek. Vokale melodie, klavierbegeleiding, lirieke en koord name. 187 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Alfred Musiek. AP.AF9939A. ISBN 0757941443. Met vokale melodie, klavierbegeleiding, lirieke en koord name. Heilige. 9x12 duim. 'N versameling van 76 sekulêre en gewyde liedere, saamgestel in een groot maklik liedboek. 'N wonderlike versameling vir die hele gesin om te geniet deur die vakansie. titels sluit. Dit is die spesiale tye. Die verjaarsdag van 'n Koning. 'N Kind Hierdie dag is gebore. Die Chipmunk Song. Die Coventry Carol. Jouself 'n Geseënde Kersfees Little. Ek sal Home vir Kersfees. The Little Drummer Boy. O Kom, O Come Emmanuel. Tot op 'n dak en nog vele meer. Bekendstelling van 4-klanke en die sestiende note. Hand beweging wat 2 tot 3 oktawe. Engele uit die gebied van die heerlikheid. Weg in 'n krip. Verjaardag van 'n koning. Varke se Hoof Carol. Kind hierdie dag is gebore. Coventry Carol. Eerste Noel. Versamel om die Kersboom. Bly Christmas Bells. God Rest Julle Geseënde Here. Goeie King Wenceslas. Ek het drie Skepe. Ek sal Home vir Kersfees. In die tuin. Baba so sag. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. O Christmas Tree. O Kom al julle Getroue. O Kom O Kom Emmanuel. O Holy Night. O Little Town van Bethlehem. Twaalf dae van Kersfees. Tot op die Huis Top. Ons Drie Konings van die Ooste Is. Ons wens u 'n Geseënde Kersfees. Wat is die kind. Terwyl herders's vir hul kudde. Winter Wonderland. Het vir jou 'n Geseënde Kersfees Little. Dek die Hall. Daar is geen Christmas Soos 'n Huis Kersfees. Sing Ons Noel. Wanneer Santa Claus kry jou brief. Hier kom Santa Claus. Twee-en-dertig voete en Agt stertjies. Engele ons gehoor het op 'n hoë. Die wonderlikste dag van die jaar. A Holly Jolly Christmas. Rudolph, die Red-neus rendier. A-Caroling Ons Gaan. 'N Geseënde Geseënde Kersfees vir jou. Geseënde Kersfees, Darling. Gesu Bambino Die Baba Jesus. Die Chipmunk Song. Jingle, Jingle, Jingle. Die aand voor Kersfees Song. Silwer En Goud. Little Saint Nick. Little Drummer Boy. 'N outydse Christmas. Rockin 'om die Kersboom. Vreugdevolle Kersfees. Groot en magtige Wonder. Dit moes gewees het die Mistletoe. Dit is die wonderlikste tyd van die Jaar. Moenie Slaan alles tot Kersdag. Magic van Kersfees Dag. God seën Almal. Dit is die spesiale tye. Kersfees in Killarney. Speelgoedland. Al wat ek vir Kersfees wil hê, is my twee voortande. Kersfees Mem'ries. Laat dit sneeu. Laat dit sneeu. Laat dit sneeu. Christmas Waltz. Kersfees Auld Lang Syne. Sleigh Ride. Maretak en Holly. Daar is geen plek soos die huis vir die vakansie. Kersfees tyd van die jaar. A Big Red Christmas Bow. Santa Claus is kom na die stad. Kersfees in die Stad. Jingle Bells. Silent Night. Dit het op 'n Midnight Helder. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. Ek het gehoor die klokke Kersfees.Gewilde versoeke
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