distant cry... From whom I perished for? No... You are born... ...the winterburden I bled your tears once. If only I could wither, You, That May Wither
A distant cry... From what I perished for? No.... It was born... The winterburden. I bled its tears once... Oh, if only it could wither, wither in the
..... From whom I perished for? No..... You are born..... .....the winterburden I bled your tears once. If only I could wither, You, That May Wither
Vertaling: Deur Buens Einde. Jy Dit Mei Wither.
cry..... From whom I perished for? No..... You are born..... .....the winterburden I bled your tears once. If only I could wither, You, That May Wither