Restrict Blood Life Thought Color Expire! Cells blackened (3 times) Trees of the Mind - Collapse Brain - Tourniquet Cells Blackened (3 times
May I crawl to your thrown? Oh master! God of swine Lick your heels, maim your kind You worship sacrifice crawl crawl Let me live for your use
Fuckin' swarm in their nest Eating, breeding human pests Roadside death, corpse baptized Drinking urine crystalized Heads on stakes to collect Inbred
Blood Soaked Vision Psychopathic Necro-Journey Coffin Romance Blistered, Blackened Sponge up memory - Innocense - Mind Eraser Grounded down to
Can't produce, cannot breed Unhinged process no discharged Seed Reproduction, i beg and plead- Object of humor, death i need Neuter... Nothing