Vertaling: Price, Kenny. SĂȘ iets lekker om te Me.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Gras sal nie groei op 'n besige straat.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Going Home vir die laaste keer.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Liefde is nie moeilik om te neem.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Verloor You Got The Best Of My.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Laaste Song ek ooit Gonna Sing.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Lady se leavin ".
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Just Plain Man.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Net een keer.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Jody en die bokkie.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Jamestown Ferry.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Dit beteken nie vir my iets.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Green Green Grass Of Home.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Groener gras te loop op.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. San Francisco Mabel Joy.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Ruby (Are You Mad).
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. Ronde heuwel van Sound.
Vertaling: Price, Kenny. River Dorp.