su mente le falta algo Y el vive indiferente pensando: Yo soy demasiado diferente a lo que deberia ser Distinto a tanta gente me acostumbre a vencer Demasiado diferente
de su mente le falta algo Y el vive indiferente pensando: Yo soy demasiado diferente a lo que deberia ser Distinto a tanta gente me acostumbre a vencer Demasiado diferente
uh uh she's perfect, tempary nails and fake lashes, eyes she catches shes like a code but all the way she has being made of plastic he's a rock 'n' roll
uh,uh,uh,hm,hm,yeah i can't believe my foolishness i'm so much smarter than this so it all ends now tell myself that it's over now i think im strong
I remember the first time I looked into your eyes Such an instant chemistry, took me by surprise 'Cause I never knew until that day if love was meant
I can't say, "I didn't know what I was doin'" I can't pretend, things just got outta hand I should've kept my distance while I was still strong But I
No tolerance no understanding Society these days too fucking demanding It's kill or be killed don't let them get you An eye for an eye do what you
Vertaling: Halletz, Erwin. oornag Alles kan anders wees.
Vertaling: Reba McEntire. Kan nie nou stop (anders as die weergawe op Reba Live).
Vertaling: Swael-Lee. Kan nie sing nie A Different Song.
Vertaling: Die Smiths. Hemel weet ek treurige Nou (Verskillende Neem).
: Wir sind so grundlegend verschieden Du willst immer hoher hinaus, ich will wieder hier raus hmmm Wir sind so grunlegend verschieden Es scheint, du
I could live life alone And never feel the longings of my heart The healing warmth of someone's arms And I could live without dreams And never know the
dos dias ya sin ti (dos dias ya sin ti) dos noches sin dormir maldiciendo esta ilucion (ilucion) q ha nacido en mi nada puce hacer no te pude detener
Hey baby tell me how do you do It's been a while since I saw you Strange to be talking to you this way After everything that we've been through It makes
In this world of make believe I will try to find a way It's so easy to deceive What you do or what you say I would never try to ever break your heart