girls - Felines Meow meow meow felines Meow meow meow - here dear Here's a mousy surprise (Blows a horn, startling fourth cat) Felines One happy little feline
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track down the sobbing To pulverize the most intimate pains Let's feed the felines Let's feed the felines Let's feed the felines Let's feed the felines
felina" "Vamos al mambo, felina" "Toma mambo, felina" "?Tu quieres mambo, felina?" "Toma mambo, felina" "Esto es mambo, felina" "Vamos al mambo, felina" "Toma mambo, felina" Felina
Autk a tenger fel Mennek el a mi utcnkban Mindenki integet a sajt kapujban Odarnek befekszenek Az g a al aztn ott meg Felhk mennek el nagy hallgatsba
If the promise I gave to you wasn't good enough Say goodbye to me, goodbye If the time I gave to you wasn't long enough Don't cry to me or let me see
We are all gathered here on the verge of thankless years, to find out why we're lost. And I don't think It's wrong if you find out where you belong and
Parale a tu carro... Va a costarte caro... Vengo y me descargo... Corre que te alcanzo... Vengo y me abalanzo... Sobre ti me lanzo... Me dejaste un
felino so che mi vuoi il fuoco del camino brucia insieme a noi. Hai la voce che ti trema stringi le mie mani, mi ami mi ami. Con un brivido felino ora
con sinceridad. Ya no quiero resistirme, tu no pararas Y te mueves te mueves, Con suavidad. Me deseas siempre mas. Corazon felino, corazon felino, corazon felino, corazon felino Con mi corazon felino
'en, ma chatte, viens-t'en Pose tes griffes, pose tes dents Viens ronronner sur le coussin Ma tete contre tes tetines Viens ma chatonne, viens ma feline
fermarti ma tanto non potrei se ti muovi, ti muovi, come tu sai e ti sento che mi vuoi Brivido felino, brivido felino, brivido felino brivido felino Con un brivido felino
Une vieille femme sans futur a quatre heures Remonte sa rue en peinant Le monde avance a cent a l'heure Mais elle evolue d'un pas lent Trainant derriere
You've got the lot to burn A shelve of pig smotherd cries Is there a spirit that spits Upon the exit of signs Is anybody there These steps keep on
If the promise I gave to you wasn't good enough Say goodbye to me (goodbye) If the time I gave to you wasn't long enough Don't cry to me, or let me see
Vertaling: Celentano, Adriano. Felino opwinding.
Vertaling: Anjali. Feline Vrou.
Vertaling: Basement Jaxx. Sexy Feline Machine.