you treat girls Aren't they just people too? Something for you to do? You like to fuck them But their feeling don't mean shit to you With your many ways You
stand the way you treat girls Aren't they just people too? Something for you to do? You like to f**k them But their feeling don't mean shit to you
Vertaling: 7 Seconds. Hoe dink jy sou voel?.
t stand the way you treat girls Aren't they just people too? Something for you to do? You like to f**k them But their feeling don't mean shit to you
what you expected Hectic get nekkid and do it backstage after you all exit Elected prom queen on the strength of my last record About three minutes start countin back seconds
them niggaz brainless All they tote is stainless, you just remain as calm as possible, make the deal go through If not, here's 12 shots, we know how you do
Tech-"mm, know what I want you to do, right?" Girl-"Yeah, I know what you want me to do..." Tech-"What's up?" Girl-"Do you want it with hot
hours sure'll get you nauseous Lady across from me, tellin' me her problems I'm look at her like yo, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah How the fuck I'm gonna solve 'em? you
we're trying to do. Questioner: what would you do in case of a war? John: how do you mean? Questioner: what would you do immediately if you would
You know it's gonna happen dawg, you can't stop it God said it will, shit you can't knock it I wonder how it feels when you know you leavin here
down boy, why you in such a rush You play the game, as if you got a royal flush But if you don't cool off, you just might get touched I grind against
's what we're trying to do. Questioner: what would you do in case of a war? John: how do you mean? Questioner: what would you do immediately if you
to do You do one for Mama She'll do one for you. l'd be your friend if you let me. So if something upsets you or makes you unhappy in any way, don't
sell it if I could get it off fine and you already know I'm real when it comes to the game and the hood you know how I feel... What [Hook] If it's beef
you I can hate you and I got to let you know you won't turn your head when you go When I think about you Everything changes You you got to go You you
I'm sprung, how'd she get me got me doing things i'd never do, if you ain't been i'm telling you (you do, you do, you do, you do, you do)(do x8) It'
, that's what life becomes when you doing you Welcome to Hollywood don't let this town ruin you And if you pillow talking with the women that are screwing you