Vertaling: Songs van 'n reënboognasie. Koor bladmusiek. Klavierbegeleiding bladmusiek. Songs van 'n reënboognasie. Vier Songs uit Suid-Afrika. SAB.
Vertaling: Songs van 'n reënboognasie. Koor bladmusiek. Klavierbegeleiding bladmusiek. Songs van 'n reënboognasie. Vier Songs uit Suid-Afrika. Book.
Vertaling: A girl finds herself pregnant by a priest and does not know how to deal with the problem. the little boy moving.
Vertaling: Draai My Heart - Collection. Draai My Heart - Collection. 'N heilige reis van gebrokenheid te Healing. Saamgestel deur Marty Haugen. Engels.
Vertaling: The Beatles for Fingerstyle Ukulele contains 25 favorite songs, each presented two ways. In My Life. In My Life.
Vertaling: 150 van die Mooiste Liedjies Ooit. Fly me to the moon. Candle in the Wind. Fly me to the moon. E-Z Speel Edition.
Vertaling: Fly me to the moon. Gone with the Wind. Verskeie. Klavier, Sang, Guitar bladmusiek. Voice bladmusiek. Intermediêre. Vocal.
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Vertaling: Gee my die Simple Life. Gone with the Wind. That's Life. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Verskeie.
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Vertaling: Opstaan Sing - Die Groep Sing Songbook. Blowin 'In The Wind. Circle of the Sun. Country Life. Danksy Life.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Deel II - Mini Edition. Fly me to the moon. Kickin 'The Gong Rondom. Beyond The Blue Horizon. Verskeie.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Deel II - Mini Edition. Fly me to the moon. Reguit Life. Chasin 'The Trane. Fly me to the moon.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Deel 2. Fly me to the moon. Reguit Life. Chasin 'The Trane. Fly me to the moon. Verskeie.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Deel II. Fly me to the moon. Reguit Life. Chasin 'The Trane. Fly me to the moon. Verskeie.