Vertaling: Volle telling. Vir Orkes. Komponis. Shar Pei-hondjies. Reëlings en Transkripsies. Amato, Alexander.
Vertaling: Solo-instrumente.
Vertaling: Puppy-hond sterte. Solo-instrumente.
Vertaling: Puppy-hond sterte. Puppy-hond sterte.
Vertaling: Amato, Alexander. Amato, Alexander. Main bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Volledige telling. Die Puppy. Tellings. Villoldo, Angel Gregorio.
Vertaling: Puppy. Ptichkin. Shaferan.
Vertaling: Van die klankbaan van die geanimeerde film "Blue Puppy". G. Gladkov.
Vertaling: musikale "Blue Puppy" Clavier. G. Gladkov.
Vertaling: Digitale Sheet Music. Lyrics.
Vertaling: Digitale Sheet Music. Klavier, Vocal. Regterkantste Melody. The Fox And The Hound 2. Fliek. --.
Vertaling: Verlore hondjie. Piano bladmusiek. Begin. Verlore hondjie. Midde-elementêre vlak. Saamgestel deur David Karp. Vir klavier. Sleutelbord.
Vertaling: Young students will enjoy telling you what their puppy might be dreaming about and choosing a tempo to match their story. Begin.
Vertaling: Hondjie Play. Puppy Play saamgestel deur Gretchen Heller. Piano Solo bladmusiek. Begin. Vir klavier. Sheet Music. Laat Elementary.
Vertaling: Her own puppy no doubt inspired Margaret Goldston's newest solo. Margaret Gold Ston. Maklik Piano bladmusiek. Piano Solo bladmusiek.