Vertaling: Die beste tyd van die jaar. The Herald Angels Sing. A Holly Jolly Christmas. Joy To The World. Medley.
Vertaling: Kersliedere - 2nd Edition. Frosty the Snow Man. 'N outydse Christmas. Frosty the Snow Man.
Vertaling: Musiek vir die blokfluit - Wêreld se gunsteling No 50. Ou Swart Joe. Die sypaadjies van New York. O Christmas Tree.
Vertaling: Nuwe Kersfees Fake Book - C Edition. Nuwe Kersfees Fake Book - C Edition. Joy to the World.
Vertaling: Christmas Time Is Hier. Last Christmas. O Christmas Tree. Joy To The World. Frosty the Snow Man.
Vertaling: Over 50 songs of the season, including. Christmas Time Is Hier. Last Christmas. The Herald Angels Sing.
Vertaling: Sanger se biblioteek van Musical Theatre - Vol. 2. The Golden Apple. The Wizard of Oz. The Golden Apple. Verskeie.
Vertaling: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Blue Christmas. Frosty the Snow Man. The Herald Angels Sing. A Holly Jolly Christmas.
Vertaling: Christmas Piano Songs vir Dummies. Blue Christmas. Joy to the World. O Christmas Tree.
Vertaling: Way Down Yonder In New Orleans. Joy To The World. Holly Jolly Christmas. Craig Stevens. Piano Solo bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Die Easy Kersfees Fake Book - 2nd Edition. Die Easy Kersfees Fake Book - 2nd Edition. Christmas Time Is Hier.
Vertaling: Opstaan Sing. Hektaar van Clams. All My Trials. Slag van New Orleans. Blowin 'In The Wind. Christmas Morning.
Vertaling: Wêreld Carols vir Kore. Op Groot Christmas Night. SATB. Voice bladmusiek. A Cappella bladmusiek. B-Flat Trumpet bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Valse boek van die wêreld se gunsteling liedjies - C-instrumente - 4 Edition. All by Myself. All My Trials. Gloei Worm.
Vertaling: The Definitive Kersfees Versameling - 3rd Edition saamgestel deur Verskeie. 'N outydse Christmas.
Vertaling: Die Ultimate Christmas Fake Book - 4 Edition. Die Ultimate Christmas Fake Book - 4 Edition.
Vertaling: Kersfees Guitar Big Book. 100 Christmas Songs and Carols with Guitar Chord Grids. Vriendelike wilde diere. O Christmas Tree.