Vertaling: Moet nie toelaat dat dit jou neerwerp. Moenie toelaat dat dit jou neerwerp deur Neil Young en Annie Lennox. Voice bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Onder by die rivier Sheet Music deur Neil Young. Plan. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Onder by die rivier Sheet Music deur Neil Young. Engels. Vocal.
Vertaling: Beheer. Plan. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Neil Young with Crazy Horse - Everybody Know This is Nowhere. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Stem reeks. G4-A5.
Vertaling: Gepubliseer deur Neil A. Kjos Music Company. Ronald Bennett. Piano Solo bladmusiek. Intermediêre. Vir klavier solo.
Vertaling: Die Baie jong pianis Luister en skep, Book 1. Gepubliseer deur Neil A. Kjos Music Company. Alfabet Sounds Up and Down.
Vertaling: Prestasie Party, bespreek 'n. Gepubliseer deur Neil A. Kjos Music Company. Piano Metode bladmusiek. Piano Solo bladmusiek. Book A, 1.
Vertaling: Alabama Sheet Music deur Neil Young. Engels. Plan. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Hal Leonard. Engels. Solero. Guitar Tab. Vocal. Across the plain flew the lone, gray rider With folded arms, the chief stood watching.
Vertaling: Hal Leonard. Engels. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Loop op vel Musiek deur Neil Young. Engels. Plan. Akkoorde. I can't tell them how to feel.
Vertaling: Country Girl Sheet Music deur Neil Young. Winding down paths through tables and glass, first fall was new. Engels.
Vertaling: Harvest Sheet Music deur Neil Young. Did I see you down in a young girl’s town with your mother in so much pain.
Vertaling: Harvest Sheet Music deur Neil Young. Did I see you down in a young girl's town with your mother in so much pain.
Vertaling: Engels. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. I got lost on the human high way. Take my head, refreshing fountain.