Vertaling: Volledige telling. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Sonate No.3 in E minor. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.10 in A majeur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.11 in D majeur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Klavesimbel telling. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Vir 2 viole, tjello, en Klavier of klavesimbel.
Vertaling: Volledige telling. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Sonate No.2 in D mineur. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.7 in B-mol majeur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.12 in D majeur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Selections. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Vioolparty. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Vir 2 viole, tjello, en Klavier of klavesimbel. Reëlings en Transkripsies.
Vertaling: Sonate No.8 in G minor. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.9 in D mineur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: 12 Sonates, OP.2. Vir 2 viole, tjello, en Klavier of klavesimbel. Sonate No.2 in D mineur.
Vertaling: Sonate No.6 in A minor. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.5 in G majeur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.1 in C majeur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.4 in F majeur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Tellings en Parts.
Vertaling: Sonate No.2 in D mineur. 12 Sonates, OP.2. Selections. Tellings en Parts.