Vertaling: DOLORES. Digitale Sheet Music. DOLORES.
Vertaling: Paul Garred, Hugh Harris, Luke Pritchard, Max Rafferty. DOLORES. Guitar Tab..
Vertaling: Back Home Again In. Hou die pot aan die kook. Red Sails In The Sunset. Vaar Down the River. Voice bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Kampeerplekke Songbook. Kook dit Cabbage Down. Want Hy is 'n Jolly Good Fellow. The Herald Angels Sing.
Vertaling: Little Black Songbook van die Amerikaanse gunstelinge. Want Hy is 'n Jolly Good Fellow. The Herald Angels Sing. Verskeie.
Vertaling: In 1973 the Markhaven Committe produced a music book to go along with the word. Back Home Again In. Voice bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Opstaan Sing. Back Home Again. Blowin 'In The Wind. Circle of the Sun. Doen Re Mi uit The Sound of Music.
Vertaling: 14 Kenmerk Studies. insluitend 2 begeleiding CDs. Jean-Baptiste Arban. B-Flat instrument bladmusiek. B-Flat Trumpet bladmusiek.
Vertaling: 14 Kenmerk Studies. insluitend 2 begeleiding CDs. Jean-Baptiste Arban. Tuba bladmusiek. 14 Kenmerk Studies. insluitend 2 begeleiding CDs.
Vertaling: Opstaan Sing - Die Groep Sing Songbook. Back Home Again. Blowin 'In The Wind. Circle of the Sun. I Got Shoes.
Vertaling: 14 Kenmerk Studies. insluitend 2 begeleiding CDs. Jean-Baptiste Arban. Tromboon bladmusiek. 14 Kenmerk Studies. Gereël deur Claude EGEA.