Vertaling: Tellings.
Vertaling: Volledige telling. Volledige tellings.
Vertaling: Reëlings en Transkripsies.
Vertaling: Volledige telling. Etudes ek. Tellings.
Vertaling: Presterende telling. Variasies op 'n Walliese Lullaby. Tellings.
Vertaling: Volledige telling. Nosgan n Dawns y Bore. Tellings.
Vertaling: Fagot Concerto. Reëlings en Transkripsies.
Vertaling: Heilige, Koraalmotet. Taal. Duitse.
Vertaling: Orrel. Heilige, aand Hooglied. Taal. Engels.
Vertaling: Orrel. Heilige, aand Hooglied. Taal. Engels. This is the companion piece to the Magnificat - Pons Stephani.
Vertaling: Plan. Sekulêre, Partsong. Taal.
Vertaling: Plan. Sekulêre, Unknown. Taal. This work was commissioned for the Welcoming Concert by Eisteddfod Cwm Rhymni in 1990.
Vertaling: Basuin Concerto II. TPT, PNO. Slegs instrument plan. Plan. Trompet in Bb.
Vertaling: plan. Solo-instrumente.