Vertaling: As jy kon my gedagtes lees Sheet Music by Gordon Lightfoot. Engels. 0-7579-0197-2. Solero. Guitar Tab. Vocal.
Vertaling: Gordon Lightfoot. I wish I could print the song in a different key. - Digitale Guitar Tab. Guitar. Vocal.
Vertaling: Die nuwe beste van Gordon Lightfoot Vir Guitar - Easy Guitar. Deur Gordon Lightfoot. Die hande I Love.
Vertaling: Deur Gordon Lightfoot. Klavier, Sang, Guitar bladmusiek. Voice bladmusiek. Guitar bladmusiek. Intermediêre. Plan. Vocal.
Vertaling: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Speel Acoustic Guitar. Acoustic Guitar bladmusiek. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Speel Acoustic Guitar. Book.