Vertaling: The first is for SAATBBSAATBB double choir, and is a setting of a text from the Liturgy of St. Basil. SAATBBSAATBB. SATB.
Vertaling: Tweede Service. Magnificat.
Vertaling: Stap In Die Air. Die sneeuman. - Trumpet of B Flat Cornet. Plan. Horing. Basuin. Klavierbegeleiding. COR.
Vertaling: Stap In Die Air. Die sneeuman. Blokfluit. Plan. Blokfluit. Klavierbegeleiding. REC. PFA.
Vertaling: Stap In Die Air. Die sneeuman. Fluit. Plan. Fluit. Klavierbegeleiding. FLT. PFA.
Vertaling: Stap In Die Air. Die sneeuman. - Viool. Plan. Viool. Klavierbegeleiding. VLN. PFA.
Vertaling: Stap In Die Air. Die sneeuman. Klarinet Of saxofoon. Plan. Klarinet. Saxofoon. Klavierbegeleiding. CLT.
Vertaling: Kersfees Pops vir vroulike Kore.
Vertaling: Die Snowman Maklik Piano Picture Book.
Vertaling: Die Snowman Suite - Flute. Plan. Fluit. Klavierbegeleiding. FLT. PFA.
Vertaling: Plan. Sheet Music. Basuin. Klavierbegeleiding. TPT. PFA.
Vertaling: Plan. Tjello. Klavierbegeleiding. VLC. PFA.
Vertaling: Die Snowman Suite. B-mol klarinet. Saxofoon. Plan. Sheet Music. Klarinet. Saxofoon. Plan. CLT.
Vertaling: The Bogeyman under the Bed is a scary piece, which suggests someone might be coming to get you.
Vertaling: Die Snowman Suite. Viool. Plan. Viool. Klavierbegeleiding. VLN. PFA.
Vertaling: Rio - Musiek Uit Die Motion Picture.
Vertaling: Nonsens. KOOR. PF DUET. This duality makes his lyrics a superb match for Bennett, a composer who it is impossible to categorise.