Vertaling: Handel my smarte. saamgestel deur Darrell Evans. Volkslied. Koor bladmusiek. Handel my smarte. Volkslied. Vir SATB koor.
Vertaling: Handel my smarte. Trading my smarte saamgestel deur Darrell Evans. Koor bladmusiek. Gereël deur BJ Davis. Vir Choral. SATB.
Vertaling: Handel my smarte. Handel my smarte deur Darrell Evans. Klavier, Sang, Guitar bladmusiek. Voice bladmusiek. Guitar bladmusiek.
Vertaling: My God regeer. My God regeer deur Darrell Evans. Maklik Guitar bladmusiek. Electric Guitar bladmusiek. Christelike. 2 bladsye.
Vertaling: Handel my smarte. Handel my smarte deur Darrell Evans. Maklik Guitar bladmusiek. Electric Guitar bladmusiek. Christelike.
Vertaling: Jou liefde is Buitensporig Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Darrell Wayne Evans, Casting Crowns.
Vertaling: Verlosser, Saligmaker, Vriend Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Darrell Wayne Evans, Chris Springer. Engels.
Vertaling: Handel my smarte Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Integriteit Musiek. Engels. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Handel my smarte Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Maklik Guitar.
Vertaling: Handel my smarte Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Plan. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Handel my smarte Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Maklik Piano.
Vertaling: Integriteit Musiek. Engels. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. He has come to bring light into the darkness.
Vertaling: Vryheid Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Plan. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Verlosser, Saligmaker, Vriend Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Darrell Wayne Evans, Chris Springer. Legacy.
Vertaling: Integriteit Musiek. Engels. Solero. Vocal. Akkoorde. Behold, our God is gracious, He’s moving among the nations,.
Vertaling: Darrell Wayne Evans. Maklik Piano.
Vertaling: Vryheid Sheet Music by Darrell Wayne Evans. Maklik Piano.
Vertaling: Plan. Akkoorde.