Vertaling: Kom Sail Away. So Far Away. So Far Away. Kom Sail Away. Twist and Shout. Rock. Verskeie.
Vertaling: TWAS by die koninklike fees nie, omdat Persië gewen. My ywerig pa, nou by die res. Die engel van die Here by hulle.
Vertaling: Tab White Pages. Down. Down Boys. Verskeie. Bass Guitar Tablature bladmusiek. Intermediêre. Tab White Pages deur Verskeie.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Deel I - Mini Edition. Beauty and the Beast. All by Myself. Stella By Starlight. Verskeie. Bb Edition.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - C Edition. All by Myself. Stella By Starlight. Beauty and the Beast. Verskeie. C-instrument bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Bb Edition. All by Myself. Beauty and the Beast. Stella By Starlight. Verskeie. Begin. Sesde Uitgawe.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Eb Edition. All by Myself. Beauty and the Beast. Stella By Starlight. Verskeie. Begin. Sesde Uitgawe.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - bassleutel Edition. All by Myself. Beauty and the Beast. Stella By Starlight. Verskeie. Begin.
Vertaling: Die Real Book - Deel 1. Beauty and the Beast. All by Myself. Stella By Starlight. Verskeie. C-instrument bladmusiek.