Vertaling: based on a folksong from Nagu in the archipelago in the southwest of Finland. Heilige, Carol. Taal. Sweedse.
Vertaling: Jonathan se Bell Carol. Koor bladmusiek. Jonathan se Bell Carol saamgestel deur Andy Beck en Brian Fisher, musiek deur Andy Beck. Kersfees.
Vertaling: Jay Althouse. Koor bladmusiek. Way Down in Bethlehem saamgestel deur Jay Althouse. Koor Heilige. SATB koor. Choral octavo. Choral ontwerpe.
Vertaling: Jay Althouse. Koor bladmusiek. Way Down in Bethlehem saamgestel deur Jay Althouse. Koor Heilige. Mannekoor. Choral octavo. Choral ontwerpe.
Vertaling: Verjaardag van jou Koning.
Vertaling: Nuwe liedjies. Melodieheft Berlyn-Brandenburg. Verskeie. Nuwe liedjies. Melodieheft Berlyn-Brandenburg saamgestel deur Verskeie.
Vertaling: Afgelope 02:00 vir mans se stemme. Tradisionele. Altstem bladmusiek. Baritonstem bladmusiek. Bas stem bladmusiek. Tenoor stem bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Afgelope 02:00 vir gemengde stem koor. It can also be seen as a video on youtube, with the words on screen. Tradisionele.
Vertaling: Bethlehem Morning deur Sandi Patty. Sandi Patty - The Gift Goes On. - Digitale Beginner Notes. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde.
Vertaling: Kersfees in Song. Bly Christmas Bells. O Christmas Tree. Hoe helderkleurige balke Die Morning Star. Vir Voice.
Vertaling: Opstaan, Shepherd, en volg saamgestel deur Tradisionele Geestelike. Song. - Digitale Guitar Tab. Vocal. Guitar Tab. Guitar Tab.
Vertaling: Ons is die rede hoekom deur David Meece. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. Singer Pro. Stem reeks. AB3 F5. MN0050081.
Vertaling: Ons is die rede hoekom deur David Meece. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. Singer Pro. Voice. MN0050081_U6.
Vertaling: Ons is die rede hoekom deur David Meece. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. Singer Pro. Voice. MN0050081_D1.
Vertaling: Ons is die rede hoekom deur David Meece. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. Singer Pro. Voice. MN0050081_U2.
Vertaling: Ons is die rede hoekom deur David Meece. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. Singer Pro. Voice. MN0050081_U1.
Vertaling: Ons is die rede hoekom deur David Meece. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. Singer Pro. Voice. MN0050081_D3.
Vertaling: Beloftes gestand te doen deur Trans-Siberian Orchestra. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Stem reeks. C4-F5. MN0034778.