Vertaling: 1 Klavier, 2 stemme. Main bladmusiek.
Vertaling: 2 alto recorders, 2 violins, & basso continuo. Sekulêre, Air. Taal. Engels. Slegs by. bright Cecilia.
Vertaling: No Good in Goodbye deur The Script. Die Script - Geen klank sonder Silence. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Guitar.
Vertaling: Bas na die maan deur Ozzy Osbourne. - Digitale Guitar Tab. Guitar. Vocal. Guitar Tab. Guitar Ingesluit weergawes. TAB. Stem reeks. G4-D6.
Vertaling: No Good In Goodbye deur The Script. Die Script - Geen klank sonder Silence. - Digitale Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Guitar.
Vertaling: Tears of the Angels should be played at the extreme breaking point of 'tenderness'. Telling. Sheet Music.
Vertaling: Kaleidoskoop. Die klank van stilte. Saam. Paul Simon. Simon. --. Kaleidoskoop sal jou tyd bespaar.
Vertaling: Per Norgard. Symphony No 6. Telling.