Vertaling: Die Lyric Book. Les Feuilles Mortes. Baby, ek hou van jou Way. Ek sal nooit Love This Way Again. As ek 'n Bell.
Vertaling: Die Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Eb Edition. As ek 'n Bell. In 'n stille Way. Jingle-Bell Rock. Down Mexico Way.
Vertaling: Die Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Bb Edition. As ek 'n Bell. In 'n stille Way. Jingle-Bell Rock. Down Mexico Way.
Vertaling: Die beste Fake boek wat nog ooit - Bb 2 Edition. Les Feuilles Mortes. As ek 'n Bell. Show Me The Way To Go Home.
Vertaling: Die beste Fake boek wat nog ooit - 2nd Edition - Eb Edition. Les Feuilles Mortes. As ek 'n Bell. Les Feuilles Mortes.
Vertaling: Die beste Fake boek wat nog ooit - C Edition - 4 Edition. Les Feuilles Mortes. Bell Bottom Blues. My Liberty Belle.