Vertaling: Die 16-Bar Pop. So Far Away. Toe was daar vir my en jou. Dit is so maklik. Laat dit so wees. Rock Audition.
Vertaling: Die Lyric Book. En so gaan dit. Beauty and the Beast. Don't Fear the Reaper. Fly me to the moon.
Vertaling: Wedding. Fly me to the moon. Ode to Joy. Tot daar was Jy. The Magic Touch. En ek So Love You.
Vertaling: Die Real Little Beste Fake boek wat nog ooit - 3 Edition - C Edition. Joy to the World. Down In The Boondocks.
Vertaling: Die uiteindelike Pop. Ek sal Make Love To You. Slegs Wanna Be With You. Beauty and the Beast. Rip It Up.
Vertaling: Die beste Fake boek wat nog ooit - Bb 2 Edition. En ek So Love You. the Flintstones. Jy is so tevergeefs.
Vertaling: Die beste Fake boek wat nog ooit - 2nd Edition - Eb Edition. En ek So Love You. the Flintstones. Jy is so tevergeefs.
Vertaling: Die beste Fake boek wat nog ooit - C Edition - 4 Edition. Show Me The Way To Go Home. Basin Street Blues.