Vertaling: 'N Tesourie van Songs vir Jongmense. Boer in die Dell, The. Pop Goes die Weasel. Piano bladmusiek. Begin.
Vertaling: Beste Rock Songs vir maklike Guitar. Toe ek Come Around. Verskeie. Maklik Guitar bladmusiek. Beste Rock Songs vir maklike Guitar.
Vertaling: Opstaan Sing. Blowin 'In The Wind. Circle of the Sun. Doen Re Mi uit The Sound of Music. Fly Me To The Moon.
Vertaling: Valse boek van die wêreld se gunsteling liedjies - C-instrumente - 4 Edition. Carolina In The Morning. The Entertainer.
Vertaling: Die Elvis Fake Book. Mary In The Morning. Elvis Presley. Guitar bladmusiek. C-instrument bladmusiek. Piano bladmusiek.
Vertaling: Opstaan Sing - Die Groep Sing Songbook. Blowin 'In The Wind. Circle of the Sun. Doen Re Mi uit The Sound of Music.
Vertaling: Die wêreld se grootste Songbook. Sy sal in gelewe 'Round The Mountain. The Star Spangled Banner. God Save The Queen.
Vertaling: Die Real Little Ultimate Broadway Fake Book - 5 Edition. Die Phantom of the Opera. The Sound of Music.
Vertaling: Beauty and the Beast. Before the Parade Passes By. Beauty and the Beast. Briesie Off The River.