
Lirieke: Howie Lucero. Heart Falls To You.

(words and music by Howie Lucero © 1984)

Braced against the wall, waiting through the window. . .
In the light, they fall . . . all the words of purple prose.

All the thinking it's now or never, walk away . . . but I'd stay
for my heart falls to you.

Thought to carry on even when it was of no use,
I sang a sailor's song to call the winds that I once knew.

The storm will steer the boat . . . I'd try to remember that old song . . . but it's been too long.
Still my heart falls to you.


Words I didn't say haunted the docks most every day.
Now the years, they've taken all the words and whisked them away.

Fade away into the warm breeze . . . hear the steel pans play as the palm trees sway
while my heart falls to you . . . for my heart falls to you . . .

(Thanks to Art Attack Records for these lyrics)