
Lirieke: Frank Zappa. Halloween. Stink-foot.

FZ: In the dark
Where all the fevers grow
Under the water
Where the shark bubbles blow
In the mornin'
By your radio
Do the walls close in to suffocate ya?
You ain't got no friends
And all the others, they hate ya
Does the life you've been leadin' gotta go, huh?
Let me straighten you out
About a place I know
Now get yer shoes and socks on people
It's right around the corner
Over by Delsener's house
Out through the night
And the whispering breezes
To the place where they keep
The imaginary diseases
Out through the night
And the whispering breezes
To the place where they keep
The imaginary diseases
That's right
And the an
The answer to your question is
In January. Ok.
Now you know
Scientists call this disease
And well they should
But us regular folks
Who might wear a tennis shoe
Or an occasional python boot
Know this exquisite little inconvenience
By the name of
That's right.
Wait a minute.
You look, you look very familiar.
Are you the guy - you're the guy?!
Get up here.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I don't know how many of you people were at the Garrick Theater
In uh '67, in the olden days. There's probably very few of you left but,
Way back when, there were, there were these two guys
That used to come to all the shows back then.
Called themselves Loeb & Leopold.
Well. Maybe it was their real name. I don't know.
What is your real name?
Audient: Mark convincing-but-unintelligible-surname
FZ: Yes. It's so nice to see you again.
You know what this guy used to do?
You know what his idea of a good time was in those days?
He would run up onto the stage
And he would take the microphone
And he would scream into it as loud as he could
And then he would lay on the stage
And wait for me to spit Pepsi-Cola all over his body.
Audience: Yay. Whistle, whistle.
FZ: Whaddaya say? Heh heh heh. Aw, nevermind.
He's all grown up now. That was ten years ago.
It's okay. Yeah. Ok. Well, it's nice to see you again.
Awright. Well I'll get a
I'll get some Coca-Cola and give ya
A little treat there in a while. Ok.

Scientists call this disease
And well they should
But us regular folks
Who might wear a tennis shoe
Or an occasional python boot
Know this exquisite little inconvenience
By the name of
That's right.
You know, my python boot is too tight
I couldn't get it off last night
A week went by
Now it's July
I finally got it off
And my girlfriend cry
She said,
STINK-FOOT, darlin'
Your Stinkin' Foot puts the hurts on my nose!
Can you rinse it off, do you suppose?O
Well. Here Fido. Here Fido
Bring the slippers little puppy.
Yes, that's a good dog.
Here he comes now.
"Arf. Arf. Arf. Arf"

(FZ guitar solo)

FZ: Awright. Awright. Awright awright. Awreety, awrighty.
Ok. Okay now look. Let me explain something to you.
Let me explain this to you.
Just save the frenzy for the English groups. Hold it just a second.
Listen. Here, here's my plan. Ordinarily, y'know
We've played in New York so many times
And we do the same encore all the time.
Now some of you people hate this song
And some of you people wanna hear it.
For those of y ou who hate it,
Sorry. We're gonna do it for the ones who like it
But we'll, we'll give you something else to go along with it.
But the song in question
Here. C'm'ere. Okay. What's your name?
Audient: Michelle
FZ: Awright Michelle. Where's your friend? Okay. Bring your friend up here.
Okay. What's your name?
Audient: Alice
FZ: Michelle and Alice are going to be my assistants for this song.
Now. You know the part here. Just stand right there.
I'll join you momentarily. Okay?
The name of this song (chuckle) is
Dinah-Moe Humm
One, two, three, four