
Bladmusiek $15.71


Paul Lewis. Three Snippets For String Quartet. Score. Parts. Sheet Music. String Quartet. STR QUARTET. Paul Lewis.


Paul Lewis. Three Snippets For String Quartet. Telling. Dele. Sheet Music. String Quartet. STR KWARTET. Paul Lewis.


Lasting only 6 minutes, Paul Lewis ' Three Snippets For String Quartet is a short, entertaining work for the String Quartet. The piece is broken into three movements. 'Flourish' - a march-like fanfare with a suggestion of toy soldiers, 'Love Song' - with a deep emotional core, and 'Dislocated Rag' - a ragtime style element with recurring 7. 8 bars thrown in to trip up the dancers. 'Dislocated Rag' is based on the composer's music for the 1984 mystery film 'The Case of Marcel Duchamp', about the famous French Dadaist artist. Three Snippets For String Quartet makes for an entertaining addition to the String Quartet repertoire.


Lasting only 6 minutes, Paul Lewis ' Three Snippets For String Quartet is a short, entertaining work for the String Quartet. Die stuk is gebreek in drie bewegings. 'Floreer' - 'n optog soos fanfare met 'n voorstel van die speelgoed soldate, "Love Song '- met 'n diep emosionele kern, en 'n ontwrigte Jool' - 'n ragtime styl element met herhalende 7. 8 bars in gegooi om te reis om die dansers. 'N ontwrigte Jool' is gebaseer op die komponis se musiek vir die 1984 raaisel film 'Die saak van Marcel Duchamp', oor die beroemde Franse dadaïst ische kunstenaar. Three Snippets For String Quartet makes for an entertaining addition to the String Quartet repertoire.