Bladmusiek $7.81
Richard Wagner. Lohengrin. Libretto. Book. Opera. OPERA. Richard Wagner. --.Vertaling
Richard Wagner. Lohengrin. Boekie. Book. Opera. OPERA. Richard Wagner. --.Oorspronklik
Lohengrin stands as a pivotal work in the career of Richard Wagner. In terms of its structure and approach, it is usually grouped at the end of his early operas. at the same time, it demonstrates many of the ideas and techniques that would achieve full fruition in his later music dramas. The story is set in Antwerp, in the tenth century, where Elsa, sister to the would-be duke, Gottfried, is accused of his murder. A mysterious figure arrives to defend her and even take her as his bride, but he commands her to not inquire about his name or his unknown provenance. A count, Telramund, and his sorcerer wife, Ortrud, are Elsa's accusers, and in fact, the real culprits in Gottfried's disappearance. They lay a series of intrigues to convince Elsa to ask her mysterious hero his identity, and in so doing, bring about a sad ending to the love story but an unexpectedly happy conclusion. the return of Gottfried. This is the Schirmer edition of the Libretto, in the original German with an English version by Stewart Robb.Vertaling
Lohengrin staan as 'n deurslaggewende werk in die loopbaan van Richard Wagner. In terme van die struktuur en benadering, is dit gewoonlik gegroepeer aan die einde van sy vroeë operas. op dieselfde tyd, dit blyk baie van die idees en tegnieke wat sal volle wasdom bereik in sy latere musiek dramas. Die verhaal speel af in Antwerpen, in die tiende eeu, waar Elsa, die suster van die aspirant-hertog, Gottfried, word daarvan beskuldig dat sy moord. 'N geheimsinnige figuur aankom om haar te verdedig en selfs haar as sy bruid, maar hy beveel haar om nie navraag doen oor sy naam of sy onbekende herkoms. 'N Telling, Telramund, en sy towenaar vrou, Ortrud, is Elsa se beskuldigers, en in werklikheid, die werklike skuldiges in Gottfried se verdwyning. Hulle lê 'n reeks van intriges Elsa te oortuig haar geheimsinnige held sy identiteit vra, en sodoende bring oor 'n hartseer einde aan die liefde storie, maar 'n onverwags gelukkige einde. die terugkeer van Gottfried. This is the Schirmer edition of the Libretto, in the original German with an English version by Stewart Robb.Gewilde versoeke