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Blue Moon of Kentucky composed by Bill Monroe. - Digital Beginner Notes.


Blue Moon van Kentucky saamgestel deur Bill Monroe. - Digitale Beginner Notes.


Piano. Vocal. Chords. Beginner Notes. Voice, range. C4-E5. Treble Clef Instrument. MN0146286. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Blue Moon of Kentucky. Bill Monroe. C Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. I said blue moon of Kentucky, to keep on shining Shine on the one that's gone and left me blue. Elvis Presley. Song. q 120. Country. Traditional Country. Folk. Bluegrass. 1947. BMG Rights Management. E-Z Play Today #214 - The Grand Ole Opry Songbook. View All.


Plan. Vocal. Akkoorde. Beginner Notes. Stem reeks. C4-E5. G-sleutel instrument. MN0146286. Bevat volledige lyrics. Versoenbaar. Blue Moon of Kentucky. Bill Monroe. C-majeur. Musicnotes Wat is dié. Musicnotes lêer. Onmiddellik afdruk digitale bladmusiek plus 'n PC-versoenbaar interaktiewe, aflaaibare bladmusiek lêer. Ek het gesê blou maan van Kentucky, om aan te hou skyn Shine op die een wat weg is en het my blou. Elvis Presley. Song. q 120. Land. Tradisionele land. Folk. Bluegrass. 1947. BMG Rights Management. E-Z играть сегодня. View All.
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