
Bladmusiek $20.44


Broadway By Special Arrangement. Flute. Oboe. Sheet Music. Flute. FLT. OB.


Broadway met spesiale toestemming. Fluit. Hobo. Sheet Music. Fluit. FLT. OB.


Broadway by Special Arrangement is a collection of eleven songs arranged for the instrumentalist wanting to play in a Jazz style -without the need to learn to improvise. The 'classically' trained amateur or professional performer, or the intermediate-level student. III-IV. , will enjoy playing these expertly arranged Broadway melodies just for fun or to include as a light piece on a recital or solo-feature concert performance. The ballads and medium-tempo and up-tempo swing tunes are arranged with a play through of the melody followed by a written-out 'variation chorus, a return to the melody, and an earcatching ending. The piano, bass, and drum accompaniment CD will put you right in the band. The CD includes both the solo instrument with the accompaniment track and an accompanimet-alone track for each selection. The inexperienced performer can learn the appropriate style of playing and be comfortable playing in the jazz style before playing along with the rhythm section track. All of the instrument books are for the most part compatible, with only minimal changes in the 'variation' section to accommodate the ranges. sometimes including octave options. and unique characteristics of the instruments -but all can be played together. The three-line piano accompaniment book provides a rhythmic 'comping' with chord voicings written out plus the flute part to help in following the soloist, or even for the pianist to take a chorus. For the jazzer, here is a chance to learn Broadway tunes and to explore playing ballads and the swing style of popular standards. Chord symbols are included to allow for improvistation. By combining his jazz-keyboard chops, his 25 years as an instrumental instructor, and his superb composing and arranging skills, Carl Strommen presents a fully playable, exciting, and tastefully arranged collection of these immortal and memorable Broadway titles.


Broadway deur n spesiale reëling is 'n versameling van elf liedjies gereël vir die instrumentalis wil om te speel in 'n Jazz-styl -without die behoefte om te leer om te improviseer. Die 'klassiek' opgelei amateur of professionele kunstenaar, of die intermediêre-vlak student. III-IV. Sal geniet speel hierdie kundig gereël Broadway melodieë net vir die pret of te sluit as 'n ligte stukkie op 'n voordrag of solo-funksie konsert prestasie. Die ballades en medium-tempo en up-tempo swing wysies gerangskik met 'n toneelstuk deur die melodie, gevolg deur 'n skriftelike-out 'n variasie koor, 'n terugkeer na die melodie en 'n earcatching eindig. Die klavier, bas en trom begeleiding CD sal jy reg in die band. Die CD sluit in beide die solo instrument met die begeleiding spoor en 'n accompanimet-alleen baan vir elke seleksie. Die onervare performer kan die gepaste styl van speel te leer en gemaklik speel in die jazz-styl voor te speel saam met die ritme afdeling spoor. Al die instrument boeke is vir die grootste deel verenigbaar met slegs 'n minimale veranderinge in die "variasie" artikel in die rye te akkommodeer. soms ook oktaaf ​​opsies. en unieke eienskappe van die instrumente -maar almal kan saam gespeel word. Die drie-lyn klavierbegeleiding boek verskaf 'n ritmiese 'comping' met koord voicings uitgeskryf plus die fluitparty te help in na aanleiding van die solis, of selfs vir die pianis 'n koor te neem. Vir die jazzer, hier is 'n kans Broadway-liedjies te leer en te speel ballades en die swing-styl van die gewilde standaarde te verken. Akkoordsimbole is ingesluit om vir improvistation. Deur die kombinasie van sy jazz-sleutelbord tjops, sy 25 jaar as 'n instrumentele instrukteur en sy uitstekende komponeer en reël vaardighede, Carl Strommen bied 'n ten volle speelbaar, opwindend, en smaakvol gerangskik versameling van hierdie onsterflike en onvergeetlike Broadway titels.
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