
Bladmusiek $9.46


Jack Hatfield. First Lessons Banjo. Sheet Music, CD. Banjo, Banjo Tab. BJO. BJO TAB.


Jack Hatfield. Eerste lesse Banjo. Bladmusiek, CD. Banjo, Banjo Tab. BJO. BJO TAB.


First Lessons on Banjo is an ultra-easy instruction manual for beginning five-string banjo played in the three finger style in G tuning. It can be used by those with no previous experience with the banjo or music of any sort. It is so basic it can be used even by small children. The book features very detailed descriptions of even the most basic aspects such as wearing the picks properly, the correct picking motion, and noting the strings properly. These are aspects that are so basic most manuals skip over them. There are many detailed photos, several from the player's point of view, not from in front of the banjo. First Lessons on Banjo covers the most basic rolls, the Alternating Thumb Roll and two Forward Rolls, plus the three basic chords plus the relative minor chord. All musical examples are presented in tablature, with the melody notes in boldface type so the student knows which notes to emphasize. All arrangements include lyrics, which is very important to the novice who is trying to train the ear to hear the melody among the fill notes. Several tips and suggestions about the proper mental approach are included that will lead to playing by ear and arranging at an earlier stage in the student's development. There are also suggestions about developing the proper mental approach and about speed reading of tablature. These suggestions are not found in any other banjo instruction book. The 'finale' arrangement is Cripple Creek, a popular banjo standard that when mastered, should give the novice a great sense of accomplishment. The accompanying recording includes all tabbed examples, with the rhythm instruments and lead banjo in separate channels. The songs are played at three tempos, the first tempo VERY slow, then a medium tempo version, and finally at performing speed with guitar, mandolin and bass accompaniment. The up- tempo accompanied versions are all together at the end of the recording so it the final tracks be used as a listening recording. This also allows the student to play along with all the more interesting arrangements in sequence without skipping around the recording.


Eerste lesse op Banjo is 'n ultra-maklik handleiding vir die begin van vyf string banjo gespeel in die drie vinger styl in G tuning. Dit kan deur diegene met geen vorige ondervinding met die banjo of musiek van enige aard gebruik word. Dit is so eenvoudig dit kan gebruik word selfs deur klein kinders. Die boek bevat baie gedetailleerde beskrywings van selfs die mees basiese aspekte soos die optel dra behoorlik, die korrekte pluk beweging, en let op die snare behoorlik. Dit is aspekte wat so basiese meeste handleidings slaan oor hulle. Daar is baie gedetailleerde foto's, 'n paar van die speler se oogpunt, nie in die voorkant van die banjo. Eerste lesse op Banjo dek die mees basiese rolle, die Wisselstroom Thumb Roll en twee vorentoe Rolls, plus die drie basiese akkoorde plus die relatiewe klein koord. Alle musikale voorbeelde word in Tablature, met die melodie note in vetgedruk tipe so die student weet watter note te beklemtoon. Alle reëlings sluit lirieke, wat baie belangrik is vir die beginner wat probeer om die oor te lei om die melodie te hoor onder die vul aantekeninge. Verskeie wenke en voorstelle oor die behoorlike geestelike benadering is ingesluit wat sal lei tot die speel deur die gehoor en die reël op 'n vroeër stadium in die student se ontwikkeling. Daar is ook voorstelle oor die ontwikkeling van die behoorlike geestelike benadering en oor spoed lees van Tablature. Hierdie voorstelle is nie in enige ander banjo instruksie boek. Die "finale" reëling is Cripple Creek, 'n gewilde banjo standaard dat wanneer bemeester het, behoort die beginner gee 'n groot gevoel van vervulling. Die meegaande opname sluit alle opgevolg voorbeelde, met die ritme instrumente en leiding banjo in afsonderlike kanale. Die liedjies is gespeel op drie tempo, die eerste tempo baie stadig, dan 'n medium tempo weergawe, en uiteindelik by die uitvoering van spoed kitaar, mandolien en bas begeleiding. Die up-tempo vergesel weergawes is almal saam aan die einde van die opname, sodat dit die finale spore as 'n luister-opname gebruik word. Dit kan ook die student om te speel saam met al die meer interessante reëlings in volgorde sonder draai om die opname.