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Sights and Sounds, Volume 1. Soprano Rehearsal Track CD. Various. Choir sheet music. Beginning.


Beelde en klanke, Deel 1. Sopraan Rehearsal Track CD. Verskeie. Koor bladmusiek. Begin.


Sights and Sounds, Volume 1. Soprano Rehearsal Track CD. composed by Various. Arranged by Camp Kirkland. For SATB choir. Benson Choral. Sacred, Modern Christian. Moderately Easy. Practice CD. soprano. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.4575707760. Benson Music Publications is excited to present to you one of the most innovative products for church music programs today-Sights and Sounds. This revolutionary choral collection brings together 10 powerful songs and 10 remarkable videos on DVD, to help give your choir ministry the best audio and visual impact. It's this simple. The DVD player works just like your CD player for your split-track accompaniment. Plug your DVD audio out. left & right. into your sound system just like you would with your CD player. Then run a video cable out of your DVD player into your projector video input and just push play. Your choir will then begin singing to these awesome videos created to assist in telling the powerful messages within these songs. With fantastic arrangements by Camp Kirkland, Bradley Knight, Russell Mauldin, Dave Williamson and many more, Sights & Sounds is the future of assisting music ministries in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Songs include. A Towel And A Bowl - Broken - Called To All Nations - Freedom's Never Free - God Of Wonders - Sing Alleluia - Stained With Blood - The Heavens Declare Your Glory - The Power Of Home - You Have Been Good. A Towel and a Bowl. Freedom's Never Free. Called to All Nations. Broken. Stained With Blood. God Of Wonders. You Have Been Good. The Heavens Declare Your Glory. Sing Alleluia. The Power of Home.


Beelde en klanke, Deel 1. Sopraan Rehearsal Track CD. saamgestel deur Verskeie. Gereël deur Camp Kirkland. Vir SATB koor. Benson Choral. Heilige, Moderne Christelike. Redelik maklik. Praktyk CD. sopraan. Gepubliseer deur Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.4575707760. Benson Music publikasies is opgewonde om te bied vir jou een van die mees innoverende produkte vir die kerk musiek programme vandag-beelde en klanke. Hierdie revolusionêre koor versameling bring 10 kragtige songs en 10 merkwaardige video's op DVD, te help gee jou koor bediening van die beste klank-en visuele impak. Dit is hierdie eenvoudige. Die DVD-speler werk net soos jou CD-speler vir jou split-track begeleiding. Sluit jou DVD klank uit. links. in jou klankstelsel net soos jy sou met jou CD-speler. Toe hardloop 'n video kabel uit jou DVD-speler in jou projektor video insette en druk net speel. Jou koor sal dan begin sing op hierdie ongelooflike video's geskep om te help met die vertel van die kragtige boodskappe binne hierdie songs. Met fantastiese reëlings deur Camp Kirkland, Bradley Knight, Russell Mauldin, Dave Williamson en nog vele meer, Toerisme-aantreklikhede. Songs sluit. 'N handdoek en 'n bak - Broken - het die hele Nasies - Vryheid is nooit Free - God Van Wonders - Sing Halleluja - met bloed bevlek - Die hemele vertel U glorie - Die Krag van 'n huis - jy goed was. 'N handdoek en 'n bak. Vryheid is nooit Free. Genoem aan al die nasies. Broken. Met bloed bevlek. God van Wonders. Jy het goeie. Die hemele vertel U heerlikheid. Sing Halleluja. Die Krag van Binnelandse.
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