
Bladmusiek $8.98


Your Hands. High Voice sheet music. Low Voice sheet music. Medium Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.


Jou hande. Hoë stem bladmusiek. Lae stem bladmusiek. Medium Voice bladmusiek. Voice Solo bladmusiek.


Your Hands by JJ Heller. For solo voice. High. Medium. Low Voice. Modern Christian. Adult Contemporary and Sacred. CD Trax - Performance. Accompaniment CD. Published by Praise Hymn. IN.767667158122. Praise Hymn has come to be known as the leader in innovation of Christian music soundtracks. Praise Hymn was the first soundtrack line to introduce the high-medium-low format, which has now been imitated by most every other track line. In addition, each of the 3 keys is available with and without background vocals. PLEASE NOTE. Praise Hymn Soundtracks do not use the original artist's tracks. They are re-recorded by a team of musicians and singers. In some cases, long introductions or instrumentals as well as fade outs are taken out in order to make each track as singer-friendly as possible.


Your Hands by JJ Heller. Vir solostem. Hoë. Medium. Lae Voice. Moderne Christelike. Volwasse Kontemporêre en Heilige. CD Trax - Prestasie. Begeleiding CD. Gepubliseer deur Praise Hymn. IN.767667158122. Lof Hymn gekom het om bekend te staan ​​as die leier in die innovasie van Christelike musiek klankbane. Lof Hymn was die eerste klankbaan lyn van die hoë-medium-laag-formaat, wat nou nageboots deur die meeste elke ander spoor lyn te stel. Daarbenewens het elke van die 3 sleutels is beskikbaar met of sonder die agtergrond koor. LET. Lof Hymn Soundtracks nie die oorspronklike kunstenaar se liedjies gebruik nie. Hulle word weer opgeneem deur 'n span van die musikante en sangers. In sommige gevalle is 'n lang inleiding of instrumentele sowel as vervaag outs geneem uit om elke snit te maak as sanger-vriendelik as moontlik te.