Bladmusiek $1.60
Without Love We Have Nothing. James Michael Stevens. Choir sheet music.Vertaling
Sonder liefde wat ons het niks. James Michael Stevens. Koor bladmusiek.Oorspronklik
Without Love We Have Nothing composed by James Michael Stevens and Joseph M. Martin. Arranged by Brant Adams. For Choral. SATB. Glory Sound. Choral. 12 pages. Glory Sound #A8007. Published by Glory Sound. HL.35026084. Words based on 1 Corinthians 13. Here is the international sensation that has become a standard in Korea and throughout Europe. James Stevens and Joseph Martin's confident affirmation of love has become an evergreen for Asian weddings and now it is available to choirs everywhere. Beautifully delivering the words of Paul, this piece will soon be a standard for your group as well. The absolutely stunning melody is orchestrated by Brant Adams and is available in two versions on the accompaniment track to capture the exact vernacular of your worship style.Vertaling
Sonder liefde wat ons het niks gekomponeer deur James Michael Stevens en Joseph M. Martin. Gereël deur Brant Adams. Vir Choral. SATB. Heerlikheid Sound. Choral. 12 bladsye. Glory Sound #A8007. Gepubliseer deur Glory Sound. HL.35026084. Woorde wat gebaseer is op 1 Korintiërs 13. Hier is die internasionale sensasie geword het dat 'n standaard in Korea en die hele Europa. James Stevens en Joseph Martin se vertroue bevestiging van die liefde het 'n immergroen vir Asiatiese troues en nou is dit beskikbaar vir kore oral. Die woorde van Paulus pragtig lewer, sal hierdie stuk gou 'n standaard vir jou groep te wees, asook. Die absoluut stunning melodie georkestreer deur Brant Adams en is beskikbaar in twee weergawes van die begeleiding spoor die presiese omgangstaal van jou aanbidding styl te vang.Gewilde versoeke