
Bladmusiek $35.00


Scarborough Fair. Traditional. Beginning.


Scarborough Fair. Tradisionele. Begin.


Scarborough Fair composed by Traditional. Arranged by Carl Strommen. Jazz Ensemble. Jazz Ensemble. First Year Charts for Jazz Ensemble. Jazz. Grade 1. Conductor Score & Parts. 90 pages. Duration 3. 02. Published by Belwin Music. AP.JEM04003. Here's a very appealing arrangement for the young player. Carl arranged this chart in 4. 4 with an even eighth-note feel, catchy ensemble figures, and easy written out solos for 1st alto sax and 1st trumpet. Other features include a modest range for trumpet to written D, simple ensemble rhythms, clearly notated articulation, and optional parts for flute, horn, baritone horn, and tuba. This is a fine chart that will provide quality performances and jazz education for many years. 02.


Scarborough Fair saamgestel deur Tradisionele. Gereël deur Carl Strommen. Jazz Ensemble. Jazz Ensemble. Eerste Jaar kaarte vir Jazz Ensemble. Jazz. Graad 1. Dirigent telling. 90 bladsye. Duur 3. 02. Gepubliseer deur Belwin Musiek. AP.JEM04003. Hier is 'n baie aantreklik reëling vir die jong speler. Carl gereël hierdie grafiek in 4. 4 met 'n selfs agtste noot voel, catchy ensemble syfers, en maklik uitgeskryf solo's vir 1 alto sax en 1 basuin. Ander kenmerke sluit in 'n beskeie reeks vir basuin geskryf D, eenvoudige ensemble ritmes, duidelik genoteer artikulasie, en opsionele dele vir fluit, horing, horing bariton, en tuba. Dit is 'n boete van grafiek wat sal gehalte vertonings en jazz onderwys vir baie jare. 02.
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