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Favorite American Hornpipes for Fiddle. Stacy Phillips. Fiddle sheet music. Violin sheet music. Beginning.


Gunsteling Amerikaanse Hornpipes vir viool. Stacy Phillips. Viool bladmusiek. Viool bladmusiek. Begin.


Favorite American Hornpipes for Fiddle composed by Stacy Phillips. For Fiddle. Perfect binding, Solos. Fiddle Tunes. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. 64 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20582. ISBN 9780786669219. Fiddle Tunes. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Continuing the reissue of the classic Phillips Collection of Traditional American Fiddle Tunes - Volume 2, Favorite American Hornpipes for Fiddle presents over a hundred classic and lesser-known fiddle tunes in hornpipe style from all parts of the United States, some with multiple versions. All tunes transcribed from the playing of some of the greatest traditional fiddlers of the past and present including Benny Thomasson, Bob Walters, Howdy Forrester, James Bryan, Rodney Miller, Ruthie Dornfeld, and many more. Bowings and chord accompaniment are included. This book will also be of value to students of classical music. Teachers, are you looking for short pieces that will solidify scales and arpeggios that don't bore your students. Tired of the same old classical etudes. Hornpipes can also serve as effective and fun exercises for all violin students, not just fiddlers. Many of them could have come right out of the baroque period of art music. But they also illustrate some of America's great tradition of fiddling. Discography. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Reading the Music Notation. Adrian's Hornpipe. Alan O'Dale Hornpipe. Alfie's Hornpipe. American Hornpipe. Art Wooten's Hornpipe. Arthur Stevens The Blacksmith. Big Indian Hornpipe. Bob Walter's Hornpipe. Bricklayer's Hornpipe. Brillance. Broaching The Cider. Butterfly Hornpipe. Camp Meeting. Casey's Hornpipe. Cincinnati Hornpipe. Constitution Hornpipe. Cottage Hill. Creighton's Hornpipe. Cuckoo's Nest. Cuckoo's Nest. Czar of Russia's Favorite. Dick Sand's Hornpipe. Dominion Hornpipe. Dundee Hornpipe. Durang's Hornpipe 1. Durang's Hornpipe 2. Fisher Hornpipe. Fisher's Hornpipe. Forester's Hornpipe. Golden Eagle Hornpipe. Good For The Tongue. Grand Hornpipe. Grey Eagle Hornpipe 1. Hell Among The Moonshiners. High Level Hornpipe 1. High Level Hornpipe 2. Hollow Hornpipe. Hooker's Hornpipe. Horn Hornpipe. Hornpipe In A. Indian Hornpipe. Jenkins' Hornpipe. Lamplighter's Hornpipe. Lamplighter's Hornpipe. Lightning Hornpipe. Liverpool Hornpipe. Londonderry Hornpipe. Marmaduke's Hornpipe. McNab's Hornpipe. Middletown Hornpipe. Miss Johnson's Hornpipe. Miss Mountain's. Morpeth Hornpipe. Mountain Hornpipe. New Century Hornpipe. Niagara Hornpipe. Nimrod Hornpipe. Oklahoma Redbird. Ole Bull Hornpipe. Olive Branch Hornpipe. On The Right Cheek. Ostinella Hornpipe. Oyster River Hornpipe. Palermo Hornpipe. Peerless Hornpipe. President Garfield's Hornpipe. Princess Beatrice. Quindaro. Randall's Hornpipe. Recluse Hornpipe. Red Lion Hornpipe. Redbird Hornpipe. Reefer's Hornpipe. Rickett's Hornpipe. Rocky Mountain Hornpipe. Rowe's Division. Sailor's Hornpipe. Saint Joe Hornpipe. Salem Hornpipe. Sally Growler. Saratoga Hornpipe. Scratch Your Head. Sharp's Hornpipe. Smoky Hornpipe. Staten Island Hornpipe. Sugar House. Sumner's Hornpipe. Sunflower Hornpipe. The Jaunting Car Hornpipe. Three Way Hornpipe. Thunderbolt Hornpipe. Uncle Herm's Hornpipe. Uncle Herman's Hornpipe. Untitled Hornpipe. Vinton's Hornpipe. Wagoner Hornpipe. West Virginia Hornpipe. Willet's Hornpipe. Williamson's Hornpipe. Wilson's Hornpipe. Yankee Hornpipe.


Gunsteling Amerikaanse Hornpipes vir viool gekomponeer deur Stacy Phillips. Vir Fiddle. Perfekte binding, Solo. Viool Tunes. Begin-Intermediêre. Book. 64 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20582. ISBN 9780786669219. Viool Tunes. 8,75 x 11,75 duim. Die voortsetting van die heruitgawe van die klassieke Phillips Versameling van Tradisionele Amerikaanse Fiddle Tunes - Deel 2, gunsteling Amerikaanse Hornpipes vir viool bied oor 'n honderd klassieke en minder bekende viool wysies in hornpipe styl uit alle dele van die Verenigde State van Amerika, sommige met verskeie weergawes. Alle liedjies oorgeskryf uit die speel van 'n paar van die grootste tradisionele Fiddlers van die verlede en die hede, insluitend Benny Thomasson, Bob Walters, Howdy Forrester, James Bryan, Rodney Miller, Ruthie Dornfeld, en nog baie meer. Bowings en koord begeleiding ingesluit. Hierdie boek sal ook van waarde wees vir studente van klassieke musiek. Onderwysers, is jy op soek vir 'n kort stukke wat stol toonlere en arpeggios wat nie jou studente gebaar. Moeg van dieselfde ou klassieke etudes. Hornpipes kan ook dien as doeltreffende en pret oefeninge vir alle viool studente, nie net Fiddlers. Baie van hulle kon gekom het reg uit die barok tydperk van kunsmusiek. Maar hulle het ook illustreer sommige van Amerika se groot tradisie van fiddling. Discography. Inleiding. Erkenning. Lees die Musieknotasie. Adrian se Hornpipe. Alan O'Dale Hornpipe. Alfie se Hornpipe. Amerikaanse Hornpipe. Art Wooten se Hornpipe. Arthur Stevens Die Blacksmith. Big Indiese Hornpipe. Bob Walter se Hornpipe. Messelaar se Hornpipe. Helderheid. Struikelend Die Cider. Butterfly Hornpipe. Camp Meeting. Casey se Hornpipe. Cincinnati Hornpipe. Grondwet Hornpipe. Cottage Hill. Creighton se Hornpipe. Cuckoo's Nest. Cuckoo's Nest. Tsaar van Rusland se gunsteling. Dick Sand se Hornpipe. Heerskappy Hornpipe. Dundee Hornpipe. Durang se Hornpipe 1. Durang se Hornpipe 2. Fisher Hornpipe. Fisher se Hornpipe. Forester se Hornpipe. Golden Eagle Hornpipe. Goed vir die tong. Grand Hornpipe. Grey Eagle Hornpipe 1. Hel onder die Moonshiners. High Level Hornpipe 1. High Level Hornpipe 2. Hol Hornpipe. Haker se Hornpipe. Horn Hornpipe. Hornpipe in 'n. Indiese Hornpipe. Jenkins 'Hornpipe. Snel se Hornpipe. Snel se Hornpipe. Weerlig Hornpipe. Liverpool Hornpipe. Londonderry Hornpipe. Marmaduke se Hornpipe. McNab se Hornpipe. Middletown Hornpipe. Miss Johnson se Hornpipe. Miss Mountain se. Morpeth Hornpipe. Mountain Hornpipe. New Century Hornpipe. Niagara Hornpipe. Nimrod Hornpipe. Oklahoma Redbird. Ole Bull Hornpipe. Olive Branch Hornpipe. Aan die regterkant Cheek. Ostinella Hornpipe. Oyster River Hornpipe. Palermo Hornpipe. Peerless Hornpipe. President Garfield se Hornpipe. Prinses Beatrice. Quindaro. Randall se Hornpipe. Eensaam Hornpipe. Red Lion Hornpipe. Redbird Hornpipe. Reefer se Hornpipe. RICKETT se Hornpipe. Rocky Mountain Hornpipe. Rowe se afdeling. Matroos se Hornpipe. Saint Joe Hornpipe. Salem Hornpipe. Sally Growler. Saratoga Hornpipe. Krap jou kop. Skerp se Hornpipe. Smoky Hornpipe. Staten Island Hornpipe. Sugar House. Sumner se Hornpipe. Sonneblom Hornpipe. Die Ertussenuit Car Hornpipe. Drie Way Hornpipe. Kom Hornpipe. Oom Herm se Hornpipe. Oom Herman se Hornpipe. Untitled Hornpipe. Vinton se Hornpipe. Wagoner Hornpipe. West Virginia Hornpipe. Willet se Hornpipe. Williamson se Hornpipe. Wilson se Hornpipe. Yankee Hornpipe.
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