
Bladmusiek $177.95


Concerto. Horn sheet music.


Konsert. Horn bladmusiek.


Concerto. For Horn and Band. Composed by S. Mercadente. Arranged by Willy Hautvast. For fanfare band. French Horn Solo and Band. Arrangements of Classical Compositions. Solo Concerts. Little Solo concerts. Solo and Band Series. Grade 4. Full set. Duration 6 minutes, 50 seconds. Published by Molenaar Edition. ML.022025070. The Italian composer Saverio Mercadante lived from 1795 up to 1870. Beside some 60. operas he wrote a number of concerti such as this Concerto for Horn, here in a skillfull arrangement for band by Willy Hautvast. Mercadante greatly influenced the music of his compatriot Verdi.


Konsert. Vir Horn en Band. Saamgestel deur S. Mercadente. Gereël deur Willy Hautvast. Vir Fanfare Band. Franse horing Solo en Band. Reëlings van Klassieke komposisies. Solo Konserte. Little Solo konserte. Solo-en Band Reeks. Graad 4. Volledige stel. Duur 6 minute, 50 sekondes. Gepubliseer deur Molenaar Edition. ML.022025070. Die Italiaanse komponis Saverio Mercadante het van 1795 tot 1870. Behalwe 'n paar 60. operas het hy 'n aantal concerto soos hierdie Concerto vir Horn, hier in 'n skillfull reëling vir orkes deur Willy Hautvast. Mercadante grootliks die musiek van sy landgenoot Verdi beïnvloed.