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The Beatles in Revue. Medley of 15 Classics. The Beatles. Choir sheet music.


Die Beatles in Revue. Opus 15 Classics. Die Beatles. Koor bladmusiek.


The Beatles in Revue. Medley of 15 Classics. by The Beatles. By John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Arranged by Ed Lojeski. For Choral. 2-Part. Pop Choral Series. 32 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8200624. Perform 15 of the Beatles' greatest hits in one Medley, or use in smaller sections. Music that's more popular than ever. Includes. Day Tripper, A Hard Day's Night, Can't Buy Me Love, Eleanor Rigby, Ticket to Ride, and more. Available. SATB, SAB, 2-Part, Instrumental Pak, ShowTrax CD. Performance Time. Approx. 12. 30. All My Loving. All You Need Is Love. Can't Buy Me Love. Day Tripper. Eleanor Rigby. A Hard Day's Night. Hey Jude. I Want To Hold Your Hand. Let It Be. The Long And Winding Road. Michelle. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. She Loves You. Ticket To Ride. Yesterday.


Die Beatles in Revue. Opus 15 Classics. deur die Beatles. Deur John Lennon en Paul McCartney. Gereƫl deur Ed Lojeski. Vir Choral. 2-Deel. Pop Choral Reeks. 32 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Hal Leonard. HL.8200624. Voer 15 van die Beatles se grootste treffers in een Opus, of gebruik in kleiner afdelings. Musiek wat is meer gewild as ooit. Sluit. Dag Tripper, 'n dag se harde die nag, kan nie Buy Me Love, Eleanor Rigby, kaartjie te ry, en meer. Beskikbaar. SATB, SAB, 2-Deel, Instrumentaal Pak, ShowTrax CD. Prestasie Tyd. Ongeveer. 12. 30. All My Loving. Al wat nodig is Liefde. Kan nie Buy Me Love. Dag Tripper. Eleanor Rigby. 'N dag se harde Night. Hey Judas. Ek wil jou hand te hou. Laat dit so wees. Die lang en kronkelende pad. Michelle. Sgt. Pepper se Lonely Hearts Club Band. Sy is lief vir Jy. Kaartjie te ry. Gister.