Bladmusiek $14.99
18 Rags In Easier Versions. Scott Joplin. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.Vertaling
18 lappe in Makliker weergawes. Scott Joplin. Piano Solo bladmusiek. Intermediêre.Oorspronklik
18 Rags In Easier Versions. Piano Solo. Composed by Scott Joplin. 1868-1917. Arranged by Lawrence Rosen. For Piano. Piano Collection. Ragtime. SMP Level 4. Intermediate. Collection. Introductory text. does not include words to the songs. 84 pages. G. Schirmer #ED4099. Published by G. Schirmer. HL.50482405. ISBN 0793546214. With introductory text. does not include words to the songs. Ragtime. 9x12 inches. 'The Entertainer,' 'Maple Leaf Rag' and other ragtime classics specially arranged for the student or intermediate pianist. With a minimum of musical adjustment we've made them a lot easier to play. Introduction of 4-note chords and sixteenth notes. Hand movement covering 2 to 3 octaves. Swipesy. Ragtime Dance. Palm Leaf Rag. The Easy Winners. Lily Queen. The Chrysanthemum. The Sycamore. Kismet Rag. The Favorite. Maple Leaf Rag. The Nonpareil. Pine Apple Rag. Paragon Rag. The Entertainer. Heliotrope Bouquet. Elite Syncopations. Weeping Willow. Magnetic Rag.Vertaling
18 lappe in Makliker weergawes. Piano Solo. Saamgestel deur Scott Joplin. 1868-1917. Gereël deur Lawrence Rosen. Vir klavier. Piano Collection. Ragtime. SMP Vlak 4. Intermediêre. Versameling. Inleidende teks. sluit nie woorde om die songs. 84 bladsye. Г. Ширмеру. Gepubliseer deur G. Schirmer. HL.50482405. ISBN 0793546214. Met inleidende teks. sluit nie woorde om die songs. Ragtime. 9x12 duim. 'The Entertainer,' 'Maple Leaf Rag "en ander ragtime klassieke spesiaal gereël vir die student of intermediêre pianis. Met 'n minimum van musikale aanpassing wat ons gemaak het hulle 'n baie makliker om te speel. Bekendstelling van 4-klanke en die sestiende note. Hand beweging wat 2 tot 3 oktawe. Swipesy. Ragtime Dans. Palm Leaf Rag. Die Easy Winners. Lily Queen. Die Chrysanthemum. Die Sycamore. Kismet Jool. Die gunsteling. Maple Leaf Rag. Die Nonpareil. Pine Apple Rag. Paragon Jool. The Entertainer. Heliotroop Bouquet. Elite Sinkopasie. Treurwilg. Magnetiese Jool.Gewilde versoeke