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Sail Away. Eleanor Locke. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.


Vaar weg. Eleanor Locke. Voice bladmusiek. Koor bladmusiek.


Sail Away. 155 American Folk Songs to Sing, Read and Play. Composed by Eleanor Locke. For Choral, Chorus, Voice. COLLECTION. BH Kodaly. 176 pages. Boosey & Hawkes #M051806805. Published by Boosey & Hawkes. HL.48007793. ISBN 1423472969. 6.75x10.5 inches. This fine collection of songs is a sequel to 150 American Folk Songs edited by Peter Erdei. It includes pentatonic and diatonic melodies as well as minor and modal songs. A helpful Kodály sequence is included and many songs include games, making this an ideal classroom resource. Acorn-Grinding Song. A La Puerto del Cielo. Alcitron. All 'Round the Brickyard. Amasee. As I Roved Out. The Avondale Mine Disaster. The Ballad of Springhill. Barbara Allen. The Birds' Courting Song. Black Jack Davy. Blood-Red Roses. Blow, Boys, Blow. Blow the Man Down. Bob-A-Needle. The Boll Weevil. Boney. Bounce. Bound For The Promised Land. Brave Boys. Buckeye Jim. Cairo. Captain Kidd. Chicka-ma, Chicka-ma, Craney Crow. Child Of God. Chippewa Lullaby. Christmas Comin'. Come Up, Horsey. The Cuckoo. Cumberland Gap. Daddy Shot a Bear. The Darby Ram. Dark As A Dungeon. Daughter, Will You Marry. De Colores. The Deer Chase. The Devil's Questions. Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel. Doney Gal. Dors, Dors, 'Tit Bebe. Down in the Valley. The Dying Cowboy. Every Night When the Sun Goes Down. Fare Thee Well. The Farmer's Curst Wife. Four White Horses. Frog in the Meadow. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go. Git Along, Little Dogies. Go Down Ol' Hannah. Go 'Round the Mountain. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Go To Sleep. Good Morning, My Pretty Little Miss. Great Big House in New Orleans. Green Gravel. Green Grows the Willow Tree. Ground Hog. G'wan 'Roun' Rabbit. The Gypsy Rover. Hammer Ring. Hangman's Tree. Haul on the Bowlin'. Here Goes the Red Bird. Hill And Gully Rider. Hold the Wind. Hush Up, Baby. I Ride An Old Paint. I Wonder Where Maria's Gone. Inez. I-Tisket, I-Tasket. Jack, Can I Ride. Jam on Gerry's Rocks. Jesse James. John Kanaka. Johnson Boys. Jubilee. Just From the Kitchen. La Bella Hortelana. La Vibora del la Mar. Lead Through That Sugar and Tea. Lemonade. Let the Bullgine Run. Link o' Day. Little Black Bull. Little Johnny Brown. Little Mohee. The Little White Daisies. The Longest Train. Lucy Locket. Mary Wore Her Red Dress. The May Day Carol. Morning Song. My Little Rooster. My Owlet. The Night-Herding Song. Nobody Knows De Trouble I See. Oh, No, John. Oh Waly, Waly. Old Betty Larkin. Old Blue. Old Joe Clark. Old Mother Hippletoe. Old Roger. On a Mountain. On Top of Old Smokey. One, Two, Three O'Leary. Oro, My Bodeen. The Owl Sings. The Ox Driver's Song. Paddy Doyle. Pizza, Pizza. Portland Town. Que Llueva. Robin Hood and the Peddler. Rockin' By the Baby. Round and 'Round. Sail Away, Ladies. Sally Go 'Round The Sun. San Sereni. Sandyland. Santy Anno. Scarborough Fair. Ser Come el Aire Libre. Shady Grove. Shake Them 'Simmons Down. Shallow Brown. The Ship That Never Returned. Shoorah. Shoo 'Roun'. Sir Eglamore. Skating Away. Skin and Bones. Slahal. Sleep, Little One. Snail, Snail. Song of the Eagle. Song of the Snowflakes. Song on Courtship. Stewball I. Stewball II. There's A Big Ship Sailing. The Titanic. To Work Upon the Railway. Vamos a la Mar. Wall Flowers. Water Boy. We're Marching 'Round the Levee. What Month Was Jesus Born In. When Billy Was One. When I First Came To This Land. Witch, Witch. Wondrous Love. The Zebra Dun.


Vaar weg. 155 Amerikaanse volksliedere te sing, lees en te speel. Saamgestel deur Eleanor Locke. Vir Choral, koor, Voice. COLLECTION. BH Kodaly. 176 bladsye. Буси. Gepubliseer deur Boosey. HL.48007793. ISBN 1423472969. 6.75x10.5 duim. Hierdie pragtige versameling van die liedjies is 'n opvolger van 150 Amerikaanse volksliedere geredigeer deur Peter Erdei. Dit sluit pentatoniese en diatoniese melodieë asook klein en modale songs. 'N Handige Kodály volgorde is ingesluit en baie liedjies sluit games, maak dit 'n ideale klaskamer hulpbron. Acorn-maal Song. A La Puerto del Cielo. Alcitron. Alle 'Round die steenmakery. Amasee. As ek roved Out. Die Avondale my ramp. Die Ballade van Springhill. Barbara Allen. Die voëls se Verliefde Song. Black Jack Davy. Bloedrooi Roses. Blaas, Boys, Blow. Blaas die Man Down. Bob-A-naald. Die Boll Kalander. Boney. Bounce. Gebind vir die beloofde land. Brave Boys. Buckeye Jim. Kaïro. Kaptein Kidd. Chicka-ma, Chicka-ma, Craney Crow. Kind van God. Chippewa Lullaby. Kersfees Comin '. Kom op, Horsey. Die Cuckoo. Cumberland Gap. Daddy Shot 'n Bear. Die Darby Ram. Donker soos 'n put. Dogter, sal met jou trou. Kleurvolle. Die Deer Chase. Die duiwel se vrae. Het nie My Here Daniel Red. Doney Gal. Dors, Dors, "Tit Bebe. Onder in die vallei. Die Sterwende Cowboy. Elke aand wanneer die son sak. Fare jou goed. Die boer se Curst Vrou. Vier wit perde. Kikker in die Meadow. 'N padda sou hy A-wooing Go. Git Saam, Little Dogies. Gaan Down Ol 'Hannah. Gaan 'Round Mountain. Gaan vertel dit op die berg. Gaan slaap. Goeie môre, My Pretty Little Miss. Groot Big House in New Orleans. Groen Gravel. Groen Groei die Willow Tree. Grond Hog. G'wan 'Roun' Rabbit. Die Gypsy Rover. Hammer Ring. Hangman se Tree. Sleep op die Bowlin '. Hier gaan die Red Bird. Hill en kolk ruiter. Hou die Wind. Hush Up, Baby. Ek ry 'n ou verf. Ek wonder waar Maria se Weg. Inez. I-Tisket, I-Tasket. Jack, Kan ek ry. Konfyt op Gerry se Rocks. Jesse James. John Kanaka. Johnson Boys. Jubilee. Net uit die kombuis. La Bella Hortelana. La Vibora del la Mar. Lei deur middel van dat die suiker en tee. Lemonade. Laat die Bullgine Run. Link o 'Day. Little Black Bull. Little Johnny Brown. Little Mohee. Die Little White Daisies. Die langste trein. Lucy Medaillon. Mary gedra haar rooi rok. Die Mei Dag Carol. Morning Song. My Little Haan. My Uil. Die Nag-oppas Song. Niemand weet De Trouble Ek Sien. O, nee, John. O Waly, Waly. Ou Betty Larkin. Old Blue. Old Joe Clark. Ou Moeder Hippletoe. Ou Roger. Op 'n berg. Op die top van Old Smokey. Een, twee, drie O'Leary. Oro, My Bodeen. Die Uil Sing. Die Os Driver's Song. Paddy Doyle. Pizza, Pizza. Portland Town. Wat reën. Robin Hood en die smous. Rockin 'word deur die baba. Ronde en 'Round. Vaar weg, Dames. Sally Go 'Round The Sun. San Sereni. Sandyland. Santy Anno. Scarborough Fair. Kom wees vir die buitelewe. Shady Grove. Skud dit 'Simmons Down. Vlak Brown. Die skip wat nooit weer teruggekeer. Shoorah. Sjoe 'Roun'. Sir Eglamore. Skaats Away. Vel en bene. Slahal. Slaap, kleintjie. Slak, slak. Lied van die Eagle. Lied van die Snowflakes. Song op Hofmakery. Stewball Ek. Stewball II. Daar is 'n groot skip. Die Titanic. Te werk aan die Railway. Laat die see. Wall Flowers. Water Boy. Ons marsjeer 'Round die Dyk. Wat maand was Jesus gebore in. Wanneer Billy was een. Toe ek die eerste keer na hierdie land. Heks heks. Wonders Liefde. Die Zebra Dún.
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