Bladmusiek $9.99
Fingerpicking Children's Songs. Various. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.Vertaling
Finger Kinders se Songs. Verskeie. Finger Guitar bladmusiek. Guitar Tablature bladmusiek.Oorspronklik
Fingerpicking Children's Songs composed by Various. For Guitar. Guitar Solo. Guitar tablature. 40 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.699712. ISBN 063409890X. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. 15 solo guitar arrangements in standard notation and tab, carefully written for intermediate level guitarists. Each solo combines melody and harmony in one superb fingerpicking arrangement. Also includes an easy introduction to basic fingerstyle guitar. Songs include. Barney Theme Song. It's a Small World. Linus and Lucy. The Muppet Show Theme. Puff the Magic Dragon. Sesame Street Theme. Winnie the Pooh. Won't You Be My Neighbor. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah. and more. Barney Theme Song. Any Dream Will Do. Do-Re-Mi. It's a Small World. Linus And Lucy. The Muppet Show Theme. Puff The Magic Dragon. The Rainbow Connection. Sesame Street Theme. Splish Splash. A Spoonful Of Sugar. Winnie the Pooh. Yellow Submarine. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Won't You Be My Neighbor. It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood.Vertaling
Finger Children's Songs saamgestel deur Verskeie. Vir Guitar. Guitar Solo. Guitar Tablature. 40 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Hal Leonard. HL.699712. ISBN 063409890X. Met kitaar Tablature. 9x12 duim. 15 solo kitaar reëlings in standaard notasie en blad, versigtig geskryf vir intermediêre vlak kitaarspelers. Elke solo kombineer melodie en harmonie in een wonderlike Finger reëling. Dit sluit ook 'n maklike inleiding tot basiese finger kitaar. Songs sluit. Barney Tema Song. Dit is 'n klein wêreld. Linus en Lucy. The Muppet Show Tema. Puff die Magic Dragon. Sesame Street Tema. Winnie the Pooh. Sal nie Jy Wees my buurman. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah. en meer. Barney Tema Song. Enige Dream Will Do. Moet-Re-Mi. Dit is 'n klein wêreld. Linus en Lucy. The Muppet Show Tema. Puff The Magic Dragon. Die Rainbow Connection. Sesame Street Tema. Splish Splash. 'N lepel suiker. Winnie the Pooh. Yellow Submarine. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Sal nie Jy Wees my buurman. Dit is 'n pragtige dag in die buurt.Gewilde versoeke