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The Story of Fall Out Boy. Jesse Saba.Vertaling
Die verhaal van Fall Out Boy. Jesse Saba.Oorspronklik
The Story of Fall Out Boy popular Biography. Omnibus Press. Pop Punk and Emo. Biographical book. 87 pages. Omnibus Press #OP51942. Published by Omnibus Press. HL.335944. ISBN 0825673372. Pop Punk and Emo. 9x12 inches. This is the unofficial and unauthorized story of four unassuming guys from the Midwest who play “softcore” pop-punk with a bit of emo thrown in for good measure. You'd think the climb to the top would have been easy for these kids that came from a fairly privilged background, but it took an amazing amount of tenacity for this quartet to keep things together and play to anyone who will listen. Find out in these pages how it all took shape, from the beginngs in suburban Chicago to the highs of 2007's “Thnks fr th Mmrs.Vertaling
Die verhaal van Fall Out Boy gewilde Biografie. Omnibus Press. Pop punk en Emo. Biografiese boek. 87 bladsye. Омнибус Пресс. Gepubliseer deur Omnibus Press. HL.335944. ISBN 0825673372. Pop Punk and Emo. 9x12 inches. Dit is die nie-amptelike en ongemagtigde verhaal van vier beskeie ouens van die Weste, wat "Softporno" pop-punk speel met 'n bietjie van emo gegooi in vir 'n goeie maatreël. Jy sou dink die klim na die top sal maklik vir die kinders wat uit 'n redelik privilged agtergrond gekom gewees het, maar dit het 'n ongelooflike bedrag van volharding vir hierdie kwartet dinge bymekaar te hou en speel aan enigeen wat sal luister. Vind uit in hierdie bladsye hoe dit alles het vorm, van die beginngs in Chicago op die hoogtepunte van 2007 se "Thnks fr de Mmrs.Gewilde versoeke