Bladmusiek $10.00
Triumph of the Heart. Franklin D. Adams. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Horn sheet music. Trombone sheet music. Grade 2.Vertaling
Triomf van die Hart. Franklin D. Adams. B-Flat Trumpet bladmusiek. Horn bladmusiek. Tromboon bladmusiek. Graad 2.Oorspronklik
Triumph of the Heart composed by Franklin D. Adams. For concert band. Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone 1, Alto Saxophone 2, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Trumpet in Bb 1, Trumpet in Bb 2, Horn in F 1. 2, Trombone, Baritone B.C.. Optional Trombone 2. Baritone T.C. Band Music. Grade 2. Score only. Duration 3. 00. Published by C. Alan Publications. CN.12061. In addition to containing classical elements, the overall style of this composition was heavily influenced by the pop ballads of the rock band Chicago. In addition to containing classical elements, the overall style of this composition was heavily influenced by the pop ballads of the rock band Chicago. I would like to thank Chicago for inspiring me as a listener, musician, and composer, and to congratulate them on their 40th anniversary. I would like to dedicate Triumph of the Heart to my parents, Franklin and Virginia Adams, for all of the love and support they have given me throughout my life.Vertaling
Triomf van die Hart saamgestel deur Franklin D. Adams. Vir konsert orkes. Fluit, hobo, fagot, klarinet in Bb 1, klarinet in Bb 2, basklarinet, saxofoon 1, saxofoon 2, saxofoon, bariton saxofoon, trompet in Bb 1, trompet in Bb 2, Horn in F 1. 2, tromboon, bariton vC. Opsionele Trombone 2. Bariton T.C. Band Musiek. Graad 2. Telling net. Duur 3. 00. Gepubliseer deur C. Alan Publications. CN.12061. Benewens met klassieke elemente, die algehele styl van hierdie samestelling is sterk beïnvloed deur die pop-ballades van die rock band Chicago. Benewens met klassieke elemente, die algehele styl van hierdie samestelling is sterk beïnvloed deur die pop-ballades van die rock band Chicago. Ek wil graag Chicago bedank vir inspirerende my as 'n luisteraar, musikant en komponis, en hulle geluk te wens met hul 40ste bestaansjaar. Ek wil graag triomf van die hart om te wy aan my ouers, Franklin en Virginia Adams, vir al die liefde en ondersteuning wat hulle het my deur my lewe gegee.Gewilde versoeke