
Bladmusiek $1.95


Baby Blues. Eamonn Morris. Piano sheet music. Beginning.


Baby Blues. Eamonn Morris. Piano bladmusiek. Begin.


Baby Blues. The Finn & Morris Performance Series. Early Elementary Level. Composed by Eamonn Morris. For Piano. Keyboard. Willis. Early Elementary. 3 pages. Willis Music #12471. Published by Willis Music. HL.406620. Description. This piece is written in Middle C position, is 32 measures in length and in 4. 4 time. The melody is carried in the RH with a LH accompaniment and primarily written in whole notes. The contrasting middle section is played an octave higher. Purpose. This piece is an introduction to the sound of the blues using a simple melody in Middle C position. Students are encouraged to play smoothly in both hands at the same time. There is also one tempo change. a rit. Suggestions for Instruction. The mood suggests a lazy, relaxed tempo. Play smoothly and steadily throughout. Good dynamic contrasts, as always, will enhance the performance. Key. C Major.


Baby Blues. Die Finn. Vroeë elementêre vlak. Saamgestel deur Eamonn Morris. Vir klavier. Sleutelbord. Willis. Vroeë Basiese. 3 bladsye. Уиллис Музыка. Gepubliseer deur Willis Musiek. HL.406620. Beskrywing. Hierdie stuk is in die Midde-C posisie geskryf is, is 32 maatreëls in lengte en in 4. 4 keer. Die melodie word in die RH met 'n LH begeleiding en hoofsaaklik geskryf in geheel notas. Die kontrasterende middelste gedeelte is speel 'n oktaaf ​​hoër. Doel. Hierdie stuk is 'n inleiding tot die klank van die blues met 'n eenvoudige melodie in die Midde-C posisie. Studente word aangemoedig om goed te speel in albei hande op dieselfde tyd. Daar is ook 'n tempo verandering. 'n rit. Voorstelle vir Onderrig. Die stemming dui op 'n lui, ontspanne tempo. Speel glad en geleidelik die hele. Goeie dinamiese kontraste, soos altyd, sal die prestasie te verbeter. Sleutel. C-majeur.