Bladmusiek $26.99
The Norman Blake Anthology. Norman Blake. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Flatpicking Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.Vertaling
Die Norman Blake Anthology. Norman Blake. Acoustic Guitar bladmusiek. Electric Guitar bladmusiek. Flatpicking Guitar bladmusiek. Intermediêre.Oorspronklik
The Norman Blake Anthology by Norman Blake. Edited by Steve Kaufman. For Guitar. Flatpicking. Perfect binding, Transcribed Solos. Bluegrass & Country. Intermediate. Book. 200 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96641. ISBN 9780786640881. Bluegrass & Country. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Flatpicking Guitar Magazine declares Norman Blake a legend, and includes him in the "first name club" on the Internet flatpicking news list. The Norman Blake Anthology offers complete lyrics and melody lines to 40 original songs, written and notated just as Norman sings them. Often, the vocal version is followed by a second flatpicking solo edition in notation and tablature including introductions and solos within a given tune- all authorized by Norman himself. 200 pages, illustrated with photos from a distinguished 30-year career. Intermediate in difficulty. Green Light On The Southern. Macon Rag. Savannah Rag. The Weathered Old Caboose Behind The Train. Whiskey Deaf And Whiskey Blind. The Railroad Days. '76 Blues. Lincoln's Funeral Train. Greycoat Soldiers. Jimmy, John And James. On And On And On. Uncle Sam. We're Living In The Future. Blake's Railroad Blues. Crossing No. 9. My Old Home On The Green Mountain Side. The Highland Light. Charlie Gaither. Lonesome Jenny. Chattanooga Rag. Down At Milo's House. Randall Collins. Tin Foil And Stone. Billy Grey. Last Train From Poor Valley. Uncle. Slow Train Through Georgia. Ginsing Sullivan. Chattanooga Sugar Babe. In The Spring Of The Year. Old Time Farmer. Paramount Rag. Ol' Bill Miner. Back In Yonder's World. Ridge Road Gravel. Church Street Blues. Southern Railroad Blues. Old Ghost's Cry.Vertaling
Die Norman Blake Anthology deur Norman Blake. Geredigeer deur Steve Kaufman. Vir Guitar. Flatpicking. Perfekte binding, getranskribeer Solos. Bluegrass. Intermediêre. Book. 200 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96641. ISBN 9780786640881. Bluegrass. 8,75 x 11,75 duim. Flatpicking Guitar Magazine verklaar Norman Blake 'n legende, en sluit hom in die "eerste naam klub" op die Internet flatpicking nuuslys. Die Norman Blake Anthology bied 'n volledige lirieke en melodie lyne tot 40 oorspronklike liedjies geskryf en geskryf is net soos Norman sing hulle. Dikwels is die vokale weergawe gevolg deur 'n tweede flatpicking solo uitgawe in die notasie en Tablature insluitend inleiding en solo's binne 'n gegewe melodie-al deur Norman homself gemagtig. 200 bladsye, geïllustreer met foto's uit 'n vooraanstaande 30-jarige loopbaan. Intermediêre in die moeilikheid. Groen lig op die Suider-. Macon Jool. Savannah Jool. Die ou verweerde kondukteurswa Agter Die Trein. Whiskey doof en blind Whiskey. Die Railroad Dae. '76 Blues. Lincoln se begrafnis Trein. Greycoat Soldiers. Jimmy, Johannes en Jakobus. Op en op en op. Uncle Sam. Ons leef in die toekoms. Blake se Railroad Blues. Kruising No 9. My ou huis op die Green Mountain Side. Die Highland Light. Charlie Gaither. Eensaam Jenny. Chattanooga Jool. Down By Milo se Huis. Randall Collins. Foelie en klip. Billy Grey. Laaste Trein Van Swak Valley. Oom. Stadig trein deur die Georgia. Ginsing Sullivan. Chattanooga Sugar Babe. In die lente van die jaar. Old Time Farmer. Paramount Jool. Ol 'Bill Miner. Terug in Yonder se Wêreld. Ridge Road Gravel. Kerkstraat Blues. Southern Railroad Blues. Old Gees se Cry.Gewilde versoeke