Bladmusiek $40.00
The Nutcracker. Overture and Trepak. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.Vertaling
The Nutcracker. Ouverture en Trepak. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.Oorspronklik
The Nutcracker. Overture and Trepak. composed by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. 1840-1893. Arranged by Brian Balmages. For concert band. Concert Band. FJH Starter Series. Christmas. Level 0.5. Score and set of parts. Duration 1 minute. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1360. Tired of playing the same old holiday tunes from the method on your winter concert. Then take a fresh approach with this exceptional arrangement that amazingly uses only six notes and note values no smaller than a quarter-note. Featuring both the Overture and Trepak from The Nutcracker, this arrangement will surprise you with how authentic it sounds, and your audience will be delighted to hear Tchaikovsky's masterwork performed by such young musicians. A fantastic way to get out of the method for a holiday program. The Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky's famous masterpiece, has become among the most popular ballets performed, primarily during the winter holidays but also at other times of the year. A selection of eight of the more popular works from the ballet was made by the composer to form The Nutcracker Suite, intended for concert performance. This version highlights two famous themes - Overture and Trepak. Russian Dance. The overture sets the mood for the entire suite, and was originally orchestrated to set the fairylike mood of the entire work. Thus, directors should focus on playing the section in a very light manner, imitating the sound that would be created by the upper instruments of the orchestra. The second theme, Trepak, is arguably one of the most famous themes from the entire ballet. It occurs when Clara and the Prince arrive at the Land of the Sugar Plum Fairy, where a series of dancers perform various ethnic dances. Trepak, or Russian Dance, is typically performed at a quick tempo and is an excellent example of Tchaikovsky at his very best. Introduction to Beginning Band - Ideal for the first several months of instruction. These pieces are a comfortable length for students. about a half page of music. and are playable with as few as five instruments. All instruments are limited to a 6-note diatonic range. Several supplemental exercises are included to help teach different elements of each piece. Grade.Vertaling
The Nutcracker. Ouverture en Trepak. saamgestel deur Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. 1840-1893. Gereël deur Brian Balmages. Vir konsert orkes. Concert Band. FJH Starter Reeks. Kersfees. Vlak 0,5. Score en stel dele. Duur 1 minuut. Gepubliseer deur die FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1360. Moeg van die speel van die dieselfde ou vakansie wysies uit die metode op jou winter konsert. Dan neem 'n vars benadering met hierdie uitsonderlike reëling wat ongelooflik gebruik net ses note en nootwaardes nie kleiner as 'n kwart-noot. Met beide die Overture en Trepak van The Nutcracker, sal hierdie reëling jy verras met hoe outentieke dit klink, en jou gehoor sal verheug wees om te hoor Tchaikovsky se meesterstuk wat deur so 'n jong musikante. 'N fantastiese manier om uit te kry van die metode vir 'n vakansie program. The Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky se beroemde meesterstuk, het 'een van die gewildste ballette opgevoer, hoofsaaklik gedurende die winter vakansie, maar ook op ander tye van die jaar. 'N seleksie van agt van die meer gewilde werke uit die ballet is gemaak deur die komponis Die Nutcracker Suite, wat bedoel is vir konsert prestasie te vorm. Hierdie weergawe beklemtoon twee bekende temas - Overture en Trepak. Russiese Dans. Die ouverture stel die bui vir die hele suite, en is oorspronklik georkestreerde die feeëriek stemming van die hele werk te stel. So, moet die direkteure fokus op die speel van die artikel in 'n baie ligte wyse naboots die klank wat geskep sal word deur die boonste instrumente van die orkes. Die tweede tema, Trepak, is waarskynlik een van die mees bekende temas uit die hele ballet. Dit vind plaas wanneer Clara en die prins kom by die land van die Sugar Plum Fairy, waar 'n reeks van dansers verskeie etniese danse. Trepak, of Russiese Dans, is tipies uitgevoer op 'n vinnige tempo en is 'n uitstekende voorbeeld van Tchaikovsky op sy heel beste. Inleiding tot Begin Band - Ideaal vir die eerste paar maande van onderrig. Hierdie stukke is 'n gemaklike lengte vir studente. ongeveer 'n halwe bladsy van musiek. en speelbaar met so min as vyf instrumente. Alle instrumente word beperk tot 'n 6-noot diatoniese reeks. Verskeie addisionele oefeninge is ingesluit om te help leer verskillende elemente van elke stuk. Graad.Gewilde versoeke