
Bladmusiek $5.00


North Star to Freedom. In Honor of the Underground Railroad. Soon Hee Newbold.


North Star to Freedom. Ter ere van die Underground Railroad. Gou Hee Newbold.


North Star to Freedom. In Honor of the Underground Railroad. composed by Soon Hee Newbold. For string orchestra. Orchestra. FJH String Orchestra. Score only. Full set. score and parts. also available. ST6170. Grade 3. Score only. Duration 4 minutes, 20 seconds. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.ST6170S. Explore the rich and important history of the Underground Railroad in this serious festival work. Opening with a solemn chorale, themes in the cello and bass soon take on the character of traditional spirituals. As the piece moves into a lively allegro section, the music becomes much more dramatic, depicting the excitement, nervousness, and extreme courage displayed by those who were able to escape to freedom. Inspirational. In honor of the Underground Railroad, North Star to Freedom was commissioned by the 2008 OMEA District 14 Junior High Honor Orchestra in Cincinnati, OH. Slaves in the South followed the North Star to various safe houses and stops to reach the North for their freedom. Many would journey as far as Canada, where they were safe from being forced back to the South. Traditional songs like Follow the Drinking Gourd and Swing Low, Sweet Chariot were actually code and instructions for fleeing slaves. The beginning Grave is hymn-like and nostalgic. The theme in the bass and cellos at measure 19 is reminiscent of traditional spirituals slaves would sing in the fields. Overall, quarter notes and eighth notes should be broad and not too separated. Rhythmic passages and counterharmonies may be shorter and lighter, but all themes and melodies should be legato and sustained. More emphasis on bow technique and independence of lines. For the accomplished middle, high school, college, or professional group. Grade 3 and up.


North Star to Freedom. Ter ere van die Underground Railroad. saamgestel deur Soon Hee Newbold. Vir strykorkes. Orchestra. FJH String Orchestra. Telling net. Volledige stel. telling en dele. ook beskikbaar. ST6170. Graad 3. Telling net. Duur 4 minute 20 sekondes. Gepubliseer deur die FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.ST6170S. Verken die ryk en belangrike geskiedenis van die Underground Railroad in hierdie ernstige fees werk. Opening met 'n plegtige koraal, temas in die tjello en kontrabas gou neem op die karakter van die tradisionele spirituals. Soos die stuk in 'n lewendige allegro artikel beweeg, die musiek is veel meer dramaties, wat die opwinding, senuweeagtigheid, en die uiterste moed vertoon word deur diegene wat in staat was om te ontsnap na vryheid. Inspirational. Ter ere van die Underground Railroad, was North Star to Freedom in opdrag van die 2008-OMEA Distrik 14 Junior High Honor Orchestra in Cincinnati, OH. Slawe in die Suid gevolg die North Star verskeie veilige huise en stop die Noord te bereik vir hul vryheid. Baie sou reis so ver as Kanada, waar hulle veilig is van wat terug gedwing om die Suid-. Tradisionele liedjies soos Volg die Drink wonderboom en Swing Low, Sweet Chariot was eintlik kode en instruksies vir die vlug slawe. Die begin graf lied soos en nostalgiese. Die tema in die bas en tjello op maat 19 is wat herinner aan die tradisionele spirituals slawe in die velde sou sing. Algehele, moet kwartaal notas en agtste notas breë wees en nie te vervreem. Ritmiese gedeeltes en counterharmonies kan korter wees en ligter, maar al die temas en melodieë moet legato en volgehoue. Meer klem op boog tegniek en onafhanklikheid van lyne. Vir die bekwame middel, hoërskool, kollege, of professionele groep. Graad 3 en tot.
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