Bladmusiek $1.95
Breath of Heaven. Amy Grant. Choir sheet music.
Asem van die Hemel. Amy Grant. Koor bladmusiek.
Breath of Heaven. from All Is Well. By Amy Grant. By Amy Grant and Chris Eaton. Arranged by Michael Barrett. For Choral. SATB. Glory Sound Christmas. Octavo. 12 pages. Published by Glory Sound. HL.35028900. Uses. Advent, Christmas, Marian. Scripture. Genesis 3. 15. Luke 1. 26-56. Luke 2. An apex of contemporary sacred music, this popular solo now made choral, probes the emotions and sentiments felt by Mary as she ponders the events surrounding the birth of Jesus. Heart-felt and filled with gentle beauty, this sensitively arranged octavo rises and falls like a prayer. Ideal for Marian emphasis or Advent services, this soliloquy of grace will become a favorite with your singers. Available separately. SATB, StudioTrax CD. Accomp. , SplitTrax, Perf. , Orchestration. Score & parts for Flute 1 & 2, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn 1 & 2, Harp, Piano, Synth, Elec. Bass, Percussion, Violin 1 & 2, Viola, Cello. Duration. ca. 55.
Asem van die Hemel. van alles is goed. Deur Amy Grant. Deur Amy Grant en Chris Eaton. Gereël deur Michael Barrett. Vir Choral. SATB. Heerlikheid Sound Kersfees. Agtste. 12 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Glory Sound. HL.35028900. Gebruike. Advent, Kersfees, Marian. Skrif. Genesis 3. 15. Lukas 1. 26-56. Lukas 2. 'N toppunt van kontemporêre gewyde musiek, hierdie gewilde solo nou gemaak koor, delf die emosies en sentimente gevoel deur Maria as sy bedink die gebeure rondom die geboorte van Jesus. Hart-gevoel en gevul met sagte skoonheid, hierdie sensitief gereël octavo styg en val soos 'n gebed. Ideaal vir Marian klem of Advent dienste, sal hierdie monoloog van genade 'n gunsteling met sangers. Afsonderlik beskikbaar. SATB, StudioTrax CD. Accomp. , SplitTrax, Perf. , Orkestrasie. Telling. Bas, perkussie, viool 1. Duur. ca. 55.